This morning I am actually typing up a post with a cup of coffee, in a quiet house, after a good 40 minute jaunt on the treadmill. I am trying to give myself props for all this because I know in about a half hour everything will change as the kids wake up and we do the mad rush to swim lessons. When we are having our ultimate meltdowns and the chaos is happening around me, I need to remember this moment that I am enjoying right now...make it my happy place! Is that sad that I have to reflect upon my quiet, alone time as my happy place while my children are awake creating chaos? I sure do hope there are other mommas out there that feels this way because I am beginning to worry.
I think my major issue right now is that I feel that I have so much to do in such little time. I probably should get over that because we all have things to do and places to be, but we can't do it all. For those of you who can, BRAVO, I commend you on your hard work and dedication. I too used to be that way, but then I became a stay at home mom and well my perspective and motivation changed. It has taken me about 2 years to have those perspectives change, but they have. I mean I still fight with the crazy moments of having a destroyed house drive me batty, but I also have come to the conclusion that after the kids are in bed going downstairs to mop the floor is not as much as a priority as me grabbing a book and passing out. Funny how staying with little humans can do that to you!
Over the past month or so I have realized that I really should celebrate the little things because in all reality those little things become big things when it comes to accomplishments. I am not going to get all philosophical or anything, but I do have to try to remember this and put this into perspective. So there you have it, I am a calm and collective woman right now, but give me a half hour and I am sure I will belong to the hot mess club as I try and get kids to and from places and work through the to-do list. However I think I need to remember I won't be alone. There will be other folks out there running around like a chicken with their heads cut off, and the motivation that gets me through all this is that there is always a glass of wine waiting for me as therapy!
Have a fabulous day friends!
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Monday, June 15, 2015
So Much Stuff
Dear Readers,
I am going though a crisis over here at my house. I feel like we have too much stuff! Anyone else out there feel that way? I mean I feel like my house is cluttered even after I clean it. I have even gotten to that crazy point where I am reading a Japanese book on how to declutter my house and life. Seriously why do I have to overanalyze and be this crazy person?
Regardless of how I react to our over abundance of stuff, I have come to the conclusion that I have gotten us to this point in our lives. It's not like the kids are buying the stuff, it is me and I have to stop! Currently I am staring at my kids running around the house with string that is wrapped around my poor cat and they are running through an obstacle course of centers my daughter has set up for her imaginative preschool class. Where did this stuff come from? And here is a bigger issue I have every time I talk about maybe giving away something away Ayden goes crazy and starts playing with the things we haven't used in months.
Maybe I just need to throw things away and not look back. It is hard though because what if we need it later? (Won't be needing the shape sorter, so I should let it go right?)
I probably need to finish this book I am reading before I completely purge and heaven forgive me if Tyler doesn't read this because I am sure he is just waiting for me to go crazy one day and throw everything away. (News flash he has more stuff than I do!) I am kinda at that point too, so maybe it is a good thing we are leaving for Michigan in a couple weeks.
But here is what I am going to do for a temporary solution for my constant need for de-cluttering. First I am going to find the toys that my kids have grown out of and attempt to sell them because do we really need the stand up music toy that they kids still play with but obviously not in the most appropriate way. I mean come on, Ayden does not need a toy that he can play music with from his bum because that is what he is doing with the music table! I then need to get the kids involved. We have toys, books, and stuffed animals in abundance! I need them to choose a tote full that we can take to our cottage in Michigan because lets face it I don't need to buy anything there!
Then I really need to do some work with self control when it comes to birthdays and holidays because lets face it that is when these kids accumulate so much stuff and I think it is time we really focused on quality verse quantity.
There you have it, I am a stressed out mess because I have too much stuff! I am not a candidate for hoarders yet, but I think if we don't get a handle on this situation we may be. So even though I want to tell you all that read that I have been busy purging, that would be a lie, but I do think my stress level does have a direct correlation with the clutter going on in this house. I let you know if I find the secret to getting this crazy under control, but until then if you have suggestions, feel free to share.
Yours truly,
The stressed-out, cluttered momma
I am going though a crisis over here at my house. I feel like we have too much stuff! Anyone else out there feel that way? I mean I feel like my house is cluttered even after I clean it. I have even gotten to that crazy point where I am reading a Japanese book on how to declutter my house and life. Seriously why do I have to overanalyze and be this crazy person?
Regardless of how I react to our over abundance of stuff, I have come to the conclusion that I have gotten us to this point in our lives. It's not like the kids are buying the stuff, it is me and I have to stop! Currently I am staring at my kids running around the house with string that is wrapped around my poor cat and they are running through an obstacle course of centers my daughter has set up for her imaginative preschool class. Where did this stuff come from? And here is a bigger issue I have every time I talk about maybe giving away something away Ayden goes crazy and starts playing with the things we haven't used in months.
Maybe I just need to throw things away and not look back. It is hard though because what if we need it later? (Won't be needing the shape sorter, so I should let it go right?)
I probably need to finish this book I am reading before I completely purge and heaven forgive me if Tyler doesn't read this because I am sure he is just waiting for me to go crazy one day and throw everything away. (News flash he has more stuff than I do!) I am kinda at that point too, so maybe it is a good thing we are leaving for Michigan in a couple weeks.
But here is what I am going to do for a temporary solution for my constant need for de-cluttering. First I am going to find the toys that my kids have grown out of and attempt to sell them because do we really need the stand up music toy that they kids still play with but obviously not in the most appropriate way. I mean come on, Ayden does not need a toy that he can play music with from his bum because that is what he is doing with the music table! I then need to get the kids involved. We have toys, books, and stuffed animals in abundance! I need them to choose a tote full that we can take to our cottage in Michigan because lets face it I don't need to buy anything there!
Then I really need to do some work with self control when it comes to birthdays and holidays because lets face it that is when these kids accumulate so much stuff and I think it is time we really focused on quality verse quantity.
There you have it, I am a stressed out mess because I have too much stuff! I am not a candidate for hoarders yet, but I think if we don't get a handle on this situation we may be. So even though I want to tell you all that read that I have been busy purging, that would be a lie, but I do think my stress level does have a direct correlation with the clutter going on in this house. I let you know if I find the secret to getting this crazy under control, but until then if you have suggestions, feel free to share.
Yours truly,
The stressed-out, cluttered momma
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Out of the Mouth of Babes
Ayden is three and he is your typical threenager. We are ornery, moody, and really want to do everything by ourselves! However I have noticed that his vocabulary increases daily and he is going to be a talker just like his sister. He even has mastered the polite way to interrupt you by screaming, "Excuse me!" at the top of his lungs. Probably not the most tactful way, but he's learning right?
Recently Ayden has begun finding his own niche of making us laugh. The other day he yelled, "Oh (blank)!" I say blank because I couldn't make out the word, but it sound like he said, "Oh dammit!" This kinda set me over the edge and I freaked out and said he should never say that again. Of course he had tears streaming down his face because I had scolded him, but he got it together and asked why he couldn't say, "Oh (blank)!" I finally listened hard to try to figure out what he was really saying and come to find out it wasn't, "Oh dammit!", but "Oh Woolly Mammoth!" Now why he chose to say that is beyond me, but it got me thinking that I really need to stop and listen.
I need to listen to the conversations my children are having. Enjoy their imaginative play and stories. Listen or rather reflect upon the conversations Tyler and I have around our children to see what we may have influenced them with. They are always listening and you know what I probably could learn a little from that feature they possess. Listening has a lot more learning to go with it than just jumping to conclusions on what I think I heard. We all make mistakes, but I could have prevented my mistake if I would have just taken the time to listen, rather be reactionary in what I thought I heard Ayden say.
With all that being said, I think I am going to get ready for the day and set myself with the goal to just listen.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Alone Time
Well I have come to the conclusion that I really do like my alone time. I mean who doesn't just need that little bit of time where no one needs you and there needs to be nothing done? As a mom, I feel like I never have that time, and I am not a very nice person if I do not get some alone time. The hardest part though is trying to find that alone time without having to rush the kids and husband out the door. My conclusion is that I function better as a mom and a person if I can just get that half hour of drinking coffee and taking it all in by myself. However that means I need to be waking up about an hour before the kiddos.
On Monday I got up at 4:30 because I was awoken by Ayden who needed to use the bathroom, and I figured I would run on the treadmill and catch up on some tv. I actually should have just gone to the gym for a class, but I figured if I was working out at home it would be just as good. I stayed on the treadmill for about 50 minutes and then showered without having to worry about a crisis that would occur. It was fabulous. I then decided I would enjoy a cup of coffee on the deck. This morning just started out great and you know what? I was actually able to be a better mom for the kids. I wasn't all high strung and flying off the handle like I normally am. I think I had a few crazy mom moments, but I think it had to do with Ayden acting like a chicken and Audrey having melt downs because she wasn't getting her way.
Now I have to make that commitment for myself to wake up by 6 am to enjoy my special quiet time. I really think that if I make this commitment that life may be a little easier in the Evans' household. Now don't get me wrong...we are going to have our days, but I think I need to start being selfish and find time for me. I mean honestly it shouldn't be seen as selfish, but rather an investment in myself so that I can be the better mom and wife.
Today is Wednesday, and I wasn't able to get that quiet time and with the rainy day that is surrounding us I can already tell how my special quiet time could have benefited us all today. But tomorrow is a new day, so lets hope that I can get in that quiet time and then we will have a fabulous Thursday!
On Monday I got up at 4:30 because I was awoken by Ayden who needed to use the bathroom, and I figured I would run on the treadmill and catch up on some tv. I actually should have just gone to the gym for a class, but I figured if I was working out at home it would be just as good. I stayed on the treadmill for about 50 minutes and then showered without having to worry about a crisis that would occur. It was fabulous. I then decided I would enjoy a cup of coffee on the deck. This morning just started out great and you know what? I was actually able to be a better mom for the kids. I wasn't all high strung and flying off the handle like I normally am. I think I had a few crazy mom moments, but I think it had to do with Ayden acting like a chicken and Audrey having melt downs because she wasn't getting her way.
Now I have to make that commitment for myself to wake up by 6 am to enjoy my special quiet time. I really think that if I make this commitment that life may be a little easier in the Evans' household. Now don't get me wrong...we are going to have our days, but I think I need to start being selfish and find time for me. I mean honestly it shouldn't be seen as selfish, but rather an investment in myself so that I can be the better mom and wife.
Today is Wednesday, and I wasn't able to get that quiet time and with the rainy day that is surrounding us I can already tell how my special quiet time could have benefited us all today. But tomorrow is a new day, so lets hope that I can get in that quiet time and then we will have a fabulous Thursday!
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Audrey's Perspective
I tell you what, things out of the mouth of babes!
I found this post on Facebook the other day and thought it would be a great way to get some insight on what Audrey really thinks about me. From these questions, I am a lot younger than I thought, I watch a lot of tv, and I get mad when she doesn't do good things. My favorite response is my're like this tall, you know 18%! I really do promise I don't watch that much tv:)
WITHOUT ANY prompting, ask your child these questions and write down EXACTLY what they say. It is a great way to find out what they really think. When you re-post put your Child's age.
Audrey - 4
1. What is something mom always says to you? You get in your room
2. What makes mom happy? By doing good things
3. What makes mom sad? When we don't listen
4. How does your mom make you laugh? By saying Knock Knock jokes
5. What was your mom like as a child? Nice to her mom and dad
6. How old is your mom? 13? 17? 18?
7. How tall is your mom? You're like this tall (hand gesturing), like 18% I think.
8. What is her favorite thing to do? Watch TV
9. What does your mom do when you're not around? Watch tv in her room
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for? I don't know
11. What is your mom really good at? Tracing lines
12. What is your mom not very good at? Writing white lines
13. What does your mom do for a job? Sells Jamberry
14.What is your mom's favorite food? Oatmeal bars
15.What makes you proud of your mom? That you watch me play things
16. If your mom were a character, who would she be? Ariel
17. What do you and your mom do together? Go to the forest and all that stuff
18. How are you and your mom the same? We both have brown hair
19. How are you and your mom different? We have different voices
20. How do you know your mom loves you? Because I am the best child ever
21. What does your mom like most about your dad? When he helps her do chores
22. Where is your mom's favorite place to go? Old Chicago's
23. How old was your Mom when you were born? 13 or 17?
I found this post on Facebook the other day and thought it would be a great way to get some insight on what Audrey really thinks about me. From these questions, I am a lot younger than I thought, I watch a lot of tv, and I get mad when she doesn't do good things. My favorite response is my're like this tall, you know 18%! I really do promise I don't watch that much tv:)
WITHOUT ANY prompting, ask your child these questions and write down EXACTLY what they say. It is a great way to find out what they really think. When you re-post put your Child's age.
Audrey - 4
1. What is something mom always says to you? You get in your room
2. What makes mom happy? By doing good things
3. What makes mom sad? When we don't listen
4. How does your mom make you laugh? By saying Knock Knock jokes
5. What was your mom like as a child? Nice to her mom and dad
6. How old is your mom? 13? 17? 18?
7. How tall is your mom? You're like this tall (hand gesturing), like 18% I think.
8. What is her favorite thing to do? Watch TV
9. What does your mom do when you're not around? Watch tv in her room
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for? I don't know
11. What is your mom really good at? Tracing lines
12. What is your mom not very good at? Writing white lines
13. What does your mom do for a job? Sells Jamberry
14.What is your mom's favorite food? Oatmeal bars
15.What makes you proud of your mom? That you watch me play things
16. If your mom were a character, who would she be? Ariel
17. What do you and your mom do together? Go to the forest and all that stuff
18. How are you and your mom the same? We both have brown hair
19. How are you and your mom different? We have different voices
20. How do you know your mom loves you? Because I am the best child ever
21. What does your mom like most about your dad? When he helps her do chores
22. Where is your mom's favorite place to go? Old Chicago's
23. How old was your Mom when you were born? 13 or 17?
Monday, June 1, 2015
Getting Back on Track
Okay so I have heard from a few of you with concern because I haven't blogged. Now this comes with a double edge sword my friends because I first initially think yeah people do read what I write, and then I think oh man I better keep up with my end of the deal and write for people to read. The struggles here are real:)
I really feel that I have not been able to get a hold on things. I feel I get control and maybe a routine going with one thing and then I lose control of another. Ever feel that way? I know I cannot do it all, but darn it I am going to try my best to do it and in the process probably burn myself out unfortunately.
With Audrey out of school, I really have focused on trying to keep a schedule and plan different activities for the week. We did pretty good with following our schedule last week, but then I fell behind on doing a daily chore and like a crazy women tried to catch up on cleaning this weekend. I had some success, but my whole main level is a hot mess. So if you come over in the next day or so, I apologize now. I am not sure how a small cat can shed giant tuffs of hair or kinetic sand can be all over my floor when it is stored in a rubber maid container that hasn't been opened in days, but you'll find that stuff on my floor, along with random food that my son will pick up and eat when he feels at liberty to do so. This all on my floor even after I swept once already this weekend.
Then this whole blogging thing. I purposely built quiet time in our daily routine so that I could blog, but for some reason we haven't gotten to quiet time. Or if we do, it is when I am folding the laundry that seems to multiply when I am not looking. After we do the great fiasco of putting the kids to bed, the last thing I want to do is sit in front of the computer and type about the daily shenanigans because well those shenanigans kicked my butt and I just need a glass of wine and a good book. So there you have it, I haven't blogged because I am lazy and tired.
This week though, I plan on blogging and sticking to my daily activity routine for the kids. We will see if I can balance both and maybe throw in some chores too.
I really feel that I have not been able to get a hold on things. I feel I get control and maybe a routine going with one thing and then I lose control of another. Ever feel that way? I know I cannot do it all, but darn it I am going to try my best to do it and in the process probably burn myself out unfortunately.
With Audrey out of school, I really have focused on trying to keep a schedule and plan different activities for the week. We did pretty good with following our schedule last week, but then I fell behind on doing a daily chore and like a crazy women tried to catch up on cleaning this weekend. I had some success, but my whole main level is a hot mess. So if you come over in the next day or so, I apologize now. I am not sure how a small cat can shed giant tuffs of hair or kinetic sand can be all over my floor when it is stored in a rubber maid container that hasn't been opened in days, but you'll find that stuff on my floor, along with random food that my son will pick up and eat when he feels at liberty to do so. This all on my floor even after I swept once already this weekend.
Then this whole blogging thing. I purposely built quiet time in our daily routine so that I could blog, but for some reason we haven't gotten to quiet time. Or if we do, it is when I am folding the laundry that seems to multiply when I am not looking. After we do the great fiasco of putting the kids to bed, the last thing I want to do is sit in front of the computer and type about the daily shenanigans because well those shenanigans kicked my butt and I just need a glass of wine and a good book. So there you have it, I haven't blogged because I am lazy and tired.
This week though, I plan on blogging and sticking to my daily activity routine for the kids. We will see if I can balance both and maybe throw in some chores too.
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