Opinions are like assholes...everyone has one.
Seriously one of my all time favorite sayings because it is so true. What frustrates me about opinions is that so many people think that their opinion is right and will never take off those blinders they wear and see the big picture. I know opinions are formed by your point of views and beliefs on how things work on life and we live in a place that you may express those opinions, but seriously people think before you speak! So many people do not think and just spew out word vomit and look like complete inconsiderate assholes. Sure you think that your view is the right one and that everyone should come to your side and believe what you think, but guess what more than likely you have someone on the opposed side of your view and they are going to throw their beliefs right back at you. It is constant bickering of who is right and wrong.
Honestly I like to question people when they express an opinion. It is not that I don't agree with them, but it is so that they can talk further about what they think is right and see if it truly stems from an experience or if it is just because it is a generational view. You know those opinions that carry on from generation to generation that it so far fetched that you would still believe, but you still do because that is what great, great grandpa believed. Now don't get me wrong some great values are passed on from generation to generation, but it is the top of derogatory opinions that get me worked up. Oh and sometimes I let people go off on a tangent on expressing their opinion when it is such an appalling topic just so that they look even more ignorant. I know that this is bad on my part, but don't worry I always think of a witty jab at the end. Although, this may be wrong on my part because guess what this is my opinion and even though I feel my view/opinion is right, how am I any better than the nimrod running their mouth about ridiculous stuff?
I guess there is a happy medium that I have learned over the years. It is important to stick up for what you believe in and share your opinions in an appropriate manner. However, one has to remember to agree to disagree. You cannot change peoples opinions or views, even if you give them all the documentation in the world to support they may be incorrect. I see so many people get so frustrated when they say here is the proof what you are saying is incorrect, and the opposing party still will not budge. Let me tell you something, they probably never will. People hold opinions so close and are passionate about them because they are one thing they can call their own. Like freedom of speech, that is one thing that people love to exercise as a right, but let me tell you it sure would be nice if they could get a ticket and be suspended from speaking sometimes:)
Now I know I have quite a few debaters in my life. One being 3 1/2 and her support of her opinions are "because". However, she isn't too far off on some of the other folks I have heard spewing out opinions.
I think what has inspired me lately to bring up this topic is the fact that I have been seeing so many breastfeeding and co-sleeping articles. Seriously people....I just don't care about what you think is best (opinion right?). Okay maybe that came across rude, and it is not that I don't care, but I think my frustration comes into play that we are wasting our time posting this information. Honestly I feel that the only people that read those articles that you post are the people who do those things. Maybe my frustration is coming out because I have read all those articles and wasted time on stuff I already know. For example, I nursed both my kiddos and still am nursing my toddler as I cannot get him to ween (totally another post for the blog). However with that being said, I do not need to be reading about if I should cover or not, or even the benefits of breastfeeding, because I already have the experience. Keep posting those things folks, as I know if makes you feel better to share with the ignorant, but guess what those crazies aren't reading those articles, it's the folks that are doing those things already that read it. I know it sounds harsh, but I just think that we have this false hope that you can get across to all the folks who disagree. You can't, however you may have helped change one person's view, you know that person that is on the fence about the opinion, which means you got across to someone. This is great, but right now I am looking at things from my perspective and I want to change the world so I always feel disappointed when I haven't changed every one's view.
Hear is the ultimate deal....we all have opinions. We need to respect others and realize some people do not change. It is better to just agree to disagree than to allow for you to look like a crazy fool along side with your opposing opinion buddy.
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