Like all children, Ayden has begun to exercise his voice and using the word, "No". It is not a little meek "No" either. It is the forceful "No" that I use when I find him playing in the toilet or biting his sister. I guess I shouldn't get too mad at him when the "No" seems a little disrespectful as he is just acting as it has been modeled for him from his sister and myself. Sigh….
Lately he has been exercising his ability to state he does not want what is on the table to eat or when he is asked to do something. I know he is testing me because he says that forceful, "No" and then has that devious smile that follows. This my friends is the beginning of the terrible twos I can feel it already, however I just hope that he is a little easier on me than Audrey was. I mean we are still going through the tiresome threes with her and lets just say its exhausting so to speak.
Ever wonder what life would be like as an adult if we could exercise the right to scream the word "No" whenever we did not feel like doing something? I think it would possibly help with my stress level on occasion, but it is evident that we eventually grow out of this aggressive "No" stage and go on to live happy, healthy lives. However the process of now until then is always a painful one. I love when I get the crazy, aggressive "No" when we are in public too. You should see some of the looks of disbelief I get when Ayden screams the word "No". I am not sure why though because I know Ayden is not the first to act like a defiant toddler.
In all reality, he isn't being disobedient, but actually just being a kid so that he can learn where his boundaries are. We are still working on boundaries for Audrey, and I have a feeling that the boundary thing will be an ongoing process for both kids. Ayden however may be one that I have to keep a thumb on because he is the boundary pusher. He is a handful, full of life, and has a personality that is so large it is hard to describe. I just have to find a creative way to guide him to be a little obedient:) I know what some of you are thinking…good luck with that…one day we will get there, but until then I will be that mom being told "No" in every public place we go. Wish me luck or pray for my sanity…either way we will get through it one day at a time!
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