Thursday, November 13, 2014

A Moment to Reflect

Ugh is all I have to say.

I was messing around on my blog Facebook Page to see people I could invite when I was getting ready to invite a bunch of folks, I came across my grandmother's name.  Big sigh because she passed away at the end of July.  It is crazy that Facebook thought that I needed to invite her, but even more is the realize her page is still out there and I can still visit it.  Lets think about this, when we pass what becomes of our social media or email accounts?  They just are there.  Most of us store our passwords in our brains, unless your my husband and he has a legal size page of all his passwords, and it's not like we can log in and delete the account.

See I am kind of a sentimental person, so when I saw this pop up I had to take this as a sign that she wants me to remember her.  So this is what I am going to do, share a story about my Grandma Jones. Almost a crazy Throw Back Thursday approach in a blog post form.

Oh Grandma Jones was quite the lady.  She was the only older gal I knew who tried to keep up with technology.  It kept her on her toes even though she forgot her password every once and awhile.  She always loved to have the newest version of things so that she could keep up with the Jones'.  (See what I did right there?  I'm hilarious.)  I would get emails from my grandmother up until about a year ago, when I think she finally got tired of me not returning emails.  However in my defense I never knew if it was a virus or not because I was hacked after opening a couple of her emails...just saying' grandma!  It still amazes me on how she kept up on technology because I look at my other grandparents and that definitely was not their forte.

One thing grandma tried to do, but did not always come out on top was with her cooking.  I think I was more familiar with a smoke detector than a child should be.  I remember this one day in particular she was getting ready to put something frozen in the oven and she preheated the oven.  Okay no food had began to cook, but ten minutes later the smoke detector was going off.  Black smoke rolled out of the oven and her brownies that she had made for us grandkids were black.  She had hid the brownies from my diabetic grandfather and well you can figure out what happened.  Needless to say dinner got exciting before it even began cooking!

I have many stories about all my grandparents, but I sometimes am afraid I will forget these stories.  I only have one grandfather that is still alive today, and I have learned to embrace those moments that I still can be with him and remember all the good times with my other grandparents.  I guess this is my motivation to write all this stuff down before I get to old to remember right?  Although I am sure if they read it they would have their version to tell as well.

With that being said, love a little deeper and appreciate the time you have with friends and family because you never know when your last moments will be.

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