Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Ayden's Accident

I am seriously investing in giant bubbles for my children!  Now I know from past experiences with Audrey and her accidents that we cannot always protect our babies, which is truly a hard concept to accept, but it is the life of a parent.  But regardless, I do not have to like this whole accident thing!

Yesterday I decided to take the kids to the park after I picked Audrey up from preschool.  It was a beautiful 55 degree day in January, and we were going to take advantage of the day and burn off a little steam.  We had to make sure we went to a park with no sand, which is far and few between here in Omaha, but we have our favorites.  Once we are at the park, it was perfect.  The kids were having fun, making new friends, and just enjoying the weather.  Audrey and Ayden decided to play their version of hide and seek, and that is when things got interesting.  The kids were on the other side of the structure, Audrey was up top and Ayden was walking under the structure.  Now I am not sure exactly how he hurt himself, but he bonked his right eye and side of his face on the only cement really around the structure.  What are the odds?  I was so worried about Audrey and I let my guard down with Ayden.  Sigh.....

I knew he was hurt pretty bad when he cried out, grabbed his face, and fell to the ground.  The moment I picked him up the bruise was instant and it was big.  Of course I scooped him up and took him to the car with the one arm bandit on my other side so that I could see exactly what needed to be done.  Aden was screaming and carrying on, not because he was in pain but we were leaving the park.  Seriously child, you may have a concussion and you are worried about this taking up your playtime?

After looking at his bruise, I gave him a water bottle half filled with cold water to keep the swelling down.  He wanted to go back and play, but I convinced him he had to sit on my lap for awhile to see if his bruise was going to get bigger.  The mom in me wanted to just take him to the ER to get him checked for a concussion, but with some text messaging to one of my nurse aunts I figured I wanted to just watch him since he wasn't acting out of the ordinary.  Of course on our drive home Ayden was tired, so instant worry that it is a concussion again, but then both kids were yelling back and forth at each other in the back of the car and I felt things were back to normal.  After finally getting a hold of my husband on the phone he decided it would be good to just watch him for the signs of a concussion and play it by ear.  

With a continued watchful eye, we made sure Ayden was still his crazy tornado self, but only with a little extra black and blue to the face.  After all is said and done, it was a simple accident, but one too many in the past six weeks.  I don't do well with all these accidents, and I am really considering shopping for large bubbles on Amazon. $180 plus shipping and handling for the bubble shown above, however I don't think that is the bubble I am looking for.  Maybe bubble wrap?

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