Friday, February 27, 2015

Time Sure Does Fly

Today is my mom's last day of employment with the State of Michigan!!!  I am sure she did the happy dance as she turned in all her final things this morning to make her retirement final.  I can only imagine how excited she is to close this chapter in life and start a new, less stressful chapter with my already retired father!

I can remember as a kid how enthusiastic my mom was to work for the DHS and actually put her college degree to use.  In fact, the moment my mom got her job with the state, it truly was a blessing to our family.  My father no longer had to work every overtime opportunity that came up, and mom was going to feel stable for once in a job.  Just because she got that state job, it didn't mean the struggles and our appreciation of her hard work ended there.  There were times that my family  questioned if this job was right for her.

I remember the years she was a child protective service worker, and oh that job nearly killed my mom.  Not physically, but emotionally.  I still do not know how she was able to do that work, but I do know this that it takes a special person to do that job!  My mom did it well, but boy did she cry.  (Sorry Mom, keeping it real here!)  She cried for all those families that were hurting and some of the struggles those babies had to go through.   Heck I still cry for those poor babies now as a mother!

Over the past few years I have seen the transitional changes just add to additional stress of the job for my mom, but she did her job with pride.  She made sure to do everything that she needed to get the job done, but at the same time it has added a lot of additional stress.  I think anyone who is in her position currently, can attest that the stress is there.  She did persevere through it all and boy when I talk to her on the phone now I can hear her smile.  It is like this dark cloud has been lifted off her and she is ready to live that next chapter.  And you know what?  She deserves that.

In fact both my parents deserve to enjoy their retirement.  Of course I am biased, but my parents sacrificed so much for my brother and I, and I am so absolutely grateful for the hard work they did to provide for us.  We may have not had a lot as kids, but my parents provided for us and I know as an adult I appreciate even the little things because it was the little things in our young lives that had us the most happy.

Okay now enough of the mushy stuff!  My parents are off on a month vacation in Florida, and it is much deserved!  However I hope they realized that now that neither of them are working, I am going to be expecting a few more visits to Nebraska from them.  I mean who wouldn't want to take a vacation to Nebraska to visit fabulous people:)

Thank you Mom for all that you did and still do for you to the moon and back!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


After opening the garage door this morning to get the kiddos in the car to take Audrey to preschool, Ayden was very impressed with a smell.  So impressed that he responded, ", me smell camp fire!"  This really is a smell he enjoys.  We talked about how it was more than likely someone's wood stove verse a camp fire, but either way he was happy with the smell.  He proceeded to talk about camping and having a camp fire for the entire car ride to preschool.  This was actually nice to talk about our experiences of camping.  We discussed how Audrey prefers to camp in Meemaw and Papa's camper and Ayden just loves his camping chair.  He probably does not care which type of camping he does, but really enjoys the elements of camping such as the camp fire and of course his Lightning McQueen camp chair.

It is funny how smells can bring us back to some great memories.  I think when I smell wood stove I think about the times we had a stove to heat our house when I was little.  Or even in either of my grandparents homes the small wood burning stoves they had in their homes.  Today I would never think of having a wood burning stove in my house just for the simple fact that fire and kids really scares me.  Like sends my anxiety over the edge of no return.  However, I survived as a kid, so why am I so scared as a parent?  I tell you why in one word:  Ayden!

Another smell that Ayden absolutely loves is that of donuts!  He says he can smell the donuts as we sit at the intersection of Cornhusker and 72nd.  Of course Dunkin Donuts is right there, but he smells donuts all the time, and the crazy thing is this kid could eat a donut at every meal.  He loves all kinds, even lemon ones as long as he is aware it has lemon filling in it.  :)  This is a great story to ask my father about as he got to share a lemon donut with Ayden and the experience was priceless.

Audrey really has no sense of smell, or if she does she doesn't use it to her advantage.  Currently her splint that she does not need to be wearing anymore has an odor.  It is the smell of sweat and dead skin.  Even Ayden tells her it smells, but she is determined that the splint smells like lotion.  She needs to keep telling herself that and convince herself, but in the meantime, I need to either find her a new splint or saturate that bad boy in perfume because it is makes me nauseous.

Whatever the smell, I think we all have memories that are triggered by our sense of smell.  It is something so simple that can take us back down memory lane, and I think as Ayden brought that to my attention today it is something simple that can help us remember some great times to make our day better.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Just One Question

I had one question this morning for my husband when I came downstairs and found him in the peaceful main floor of the house, enjoying his breakfast in peace.  The question was, "Why can't I sleep in my bed without disruptions?"  I think there are many parents that ask this question daily as well.

Last night, Audrey woke me up by curling up on the floor next to the bed with a blanket and multiple stuffed animals.  I figured she was fine on the floor, until she began sighing and flopping around on the floor.  Really?  Just crawl into our bed already!  I got up, gave her the pillow she used on the floor, and took my pillow to the spare bedroom with me to attempt to get some sleep.

Now I don't mind sleeping in the spare bedroom on occasion, but I feel lately I am in that room more than I want to be.  The funny thing is though I think to myself, well at least I am alone in the room last night until the cat decided she didn't think me being alone was a good idea.  I guess sleeping on my feet is her security to sleeping at night because that is what she does.  She follows me everywhere, even when I have another kid in bed with me, she has to show her affection and that is getting old as well.

I have created this reality though. I have allowed Audrey to come into our room and take over my spot because lets face it I would rather have peace in the middle of the night verse a crying hot mess that she would become if I told her to go back to bed.  It is my problem, my reality, and my lack of sleep, so I will own up to that.  In fact maybe when she is a teenager I will miss the fact that she needed us this much as she does now.  However I feel right now that my consumption of coffee and wine lately is due to my kids needing me so much.

There you have it, I will embrace and accept my children's desires to need me all the time as long as I have coffee and wine.

Monday, February 23, 2015


It is crazy how in the technology world that we live in now, how hard it is for folks to RSVP.  It is almost as if this concept has gone out the window.  Now I have to admit that I just RSVPed for an event that is tomorrow for a bowling event through our MOPS group, yet I feel I have to write about this topic even if I am at fault as well.  Here is my excuse with why I did not respond to this RSVP, I have a kiddo with a broken wrist, so I was hesitant to completely say no, but wasn't sure if I should say yes either.  Yet I still cannot use that as an excuse because guess what there was a maybe button to press.  I opened the email a couple weeks ago, didn't take the time to RSVP and forgot about it until the last minute.  Shame on me!    And this is where my issue begins...

People plan activities such as get togethers, play dates, or birthday parties and it is normally important to have the RSVPs so folks know how many to prepare for.  No one wants to look like they are unprepared and not have enough of something.  But why is it that society is having this issue all of a sudden?  I remember as a kid if I received a birthday party invitation you better believe I made sure to call or have my parents call so that I could go.  You just didn't show up to a party without RSVPing, but today it is has become acceptable to RSVP at the last minute or better yet show up without RSVPing.  

Or here is another issue I have seen:  email.  People send out emails and invite people to things and then you get nothing.  Like no response.  No sorry it won't work or thanks but no thanks.  It is almost as if the email was never received and so you send out another one to get the same lack of response.  Why do you think this is?  I mean we have actually become a society where we could respond to folks without even speaking on a telephone, and we cannot even do that to acknowledge situations.  

Is it that we are using technology to do the invites, etc, or is it simply because we are overwhelmed with activities?  Or is it that we are just becoming lazy at responding?  I truly do not know what the answer to this is, and would love for you to share some ideas as to why this may have gone to the wayside as being important.  And maybe it is just me that thinks it is ludicrous that people no longer take the time to respond to others invites, and if that is the case sorry I wasted your time on this read.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Mess, Mess Everywhere!

Yesterday I was at my wits end with cleaning up after my two little humans!  I mean how much mess can two kids make...if you saw my house you would be impressed.  It was at that point after lunch I decided I was done nagging at my kids to clean up and I was done cleaning up after them. poor "B" team was going to be walking into a pig sty, but I was ready to teach the kids a lesson.  The lesson that things don't miraculously clean themselves and that it is important to pick up what you were playing with before getting the next thing out.  Now my OCD was going to suffer immensely by this, but really these kids needed to start taking responsibility for the messes they were creating.

I created a few stipulations for myself and the kids.  I was only going to clean up the messes I created and I would tell my children that they needed to make sure they were doing their jobs to clean up after themselves.  I would allow for them to have access to the paper towels, the broom, and full reign of getting any and all toys out, but they needed to realize that neither Tyler or I were going to clean up after them.  This even included taking their dishes to the sink because Ayden is notorious for leaving his yogurt and spoon on the table all morning long...ugh!

Now I know my kiddos are little, but they are not too little to understand that mom and dad are not their personal maids.  This challenge is going to be a work in progress and I apologize for anyone that is coming over.  I will clean my house of the filth, but I am not picking up the toys or their dishes, so be prepared for that sight.  I am hoping that it will only take a day for certain things to catch on.  I know Audrey will notice, but we will have to see how long it takes Mr. Ayden.

I do believe this strategy will work for during the day, however at night I may not be able to handle the house being completely trashed.  I feel there needs to be some sort of consequence though and that is when I remembered seeing a really cool concept of the kids earning their toys back from a tub that had been cleaned up by completing a chore.  With that all being said I think I will eventually get to making my "Uh-Oh" tub and hold the kids a little more responsible.  I really need to work on this not going to extremes when I have had it, but it is so hard not to when this is what my life consists of.

Here is to a successful "Uh-Oh" tub, responsible children, and momma's patience!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The B Team

Tyler is my "B" team.  I truly feel that once he is home from work, my "B" team takes over and I am able to breathe just a little.  The kids want all his attention verse mine, and I can actually get a meal cooked without a major catastrophe occurring.  Now referring to him as my "B" team may sound a little harsh, but I actually stole this name from my mother in law, so I guess I don't feel that bad by using it.  :)

It normally isn't until I Tyler takes a trip before I really realize how much help he is.  There are days I question if it is just me running the show sometimes as the kids are always asking me for everything or waiting for me to solve the crisis, but I think I only feel that way when I am in the moment of solving the fifty millionth problem.  I really take my "B" team for granted, and it took that trip away for me to realize how critic the "A" and "B" team need each other.

Last week Tyler was gone for an entire week for work and it was just me.  Now in the grand scheme of things it is not that long, but when the kids are just being pills it seems like he was TDY for six months!  The kids were giving me a run for my money and it seemed like I was counting down the minutes for Tyler to walk through the door.

For example, I would get through the day, cook dinner, get dishes put away, and then the bedtime routine was just hard.  We were all tired and I just wanted the little humans to sleep and they refused.  Giggling and just being kids, but I swear they were conspiring when I was out of the room just to see how far they could push me before I went absolutely crazy.  Smart kids to a certain extend, but really, they have seen my crazy and it is not pretty.  Why would they want their mom to get to this point?  And all I can think as a reason here is because they are kids and that is what kids do, push the envelope and bring their mother to complete crazy.

However through all this I have realized how much my "B" team does.  It may seem little at the moment, but even reading the stories at night helps more than I ever knew.  After I read the same Little Critter book about Easter five days in a row, my eye began to twitch and I just craved a different book, even the longest Disney book would do, I just needed new material to work with.  But for some reason that was one of the choices every night from Audrey and to avoid and epic meltdown I read away and prayed for Tyler to come home a day early just so I didn't have to read the same books.  And it is crazy how just one more story turns into ten in a blink of an eye.

Or better yet, I appreciate the brushing of my kids teeth by the "B" team as well because guess what if I had to listen to another fight about who was going to brush first I may have thrown the toothbrushes down the clogged toilet mishap that they created during that last night before Tyler came home.

It is pretty evident that my "B" team helps out more than I can ever begin to describe.  I think I have to learn to appreciate his efforts more when he is here because boy I miss his help when he is gone.  These kids are like pirates just waiting for an opportunity of mutiny.  I cannot fight them alone so with Tyler I think we can hold back the mutiny for a little long....I hope!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Reverse Lent Challenge

Okay so I am not Catholic, but I am always intrigued by giving things up for Lent.  I see a lot of folks give up Facebook, chocolate, soda, etc, but it wasn't until the other day I saw an article about a Reverse Lent Challenge.  Here is the deal, I loved this concept and I am doing it!

This is just too good for me at this point in my life to not do.  I love writing and I love getting mail, but why not share the love of getting mail to others?  Now my issue is going to be who will I send these notes to, and also will it be acceptable to hand deliver this notes or should I truly stick with mailing only?  This is the fun part because these are decisions that are seriously not going to hurt anything and actually are easy decisions.  I need easy right now because lately I feel like I am trying to make the right decision constantly and not damage anyone's self esteem or hurt feelings and I have been stressed by walking on egg shells with this.

I am going to give myself some parameters and I really think by me writing this all down, I will stick to my plan.  First off I am a little behind by purchasing my items, but I am sure I have a card and a stamp around the house to begin the challenge.  But my first thing I need to do is go buy some notecards and find the stamps that I know are kept safe by Tyler.  Then I will need to find a place to put these purchased items and set aside a specific time of day to write this daily note.  I am thinking that after the kids go to bed I should write the quick note before I dive into a book or my writing, okay lets be real, or before I pass out.  All I have to do is make sure I do this daily.  I better write a list of all the people I send it to as well so I don't double up or forget to write the note for that day.  Also I have to realize that there are more than 40 days before Easter, so 40 isn't the magic number for the total of notecards.

Anyone else going to join me in this challenge?

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The God Box

This is a little on the religious side, which I normally do not delve into because I feel I am very immature in my faith and well it is normally not my topic of choice to write about because of my lack of knowledge on this topic as well.  But this article I stumbled upon that prompted this story is just too good not to share.

I am not sure about any of you but if I wait to pray in the evening this is what my prayer sounds like:  "Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for the day you have given to me and my family.  Thank you for blessing us with time together and memories that we have shared.  Thank you for (normally a specific event during the day).  Please embrace my children with your love and protection for the days to come and zzz........  Honestly I wake up at 2 in the morning due to a child and then I try praying again and it results in a fade away prayer.  It is almost if I do not pray right at the very moment I think of it or say I will, the prayer gets pushed aside a couple days because I am absolutely exhausted.  This sounds absolutely terrible, and realize if I said I was praying for you I really did, it may have not been done in a timely manner if I didn't do it right away, but boy were my intentions good.

I just thought this was how I was going to be, a fall asleep in the middle of the prayer kind of gal, and I was actually praying that God felt this was acceptable in this season of my life.  However when a MOPS momma, Jessica Cogswell, shared this idea of a God Box with our meeting last week as one of her favorite things, I really feel this was my answer to my mid sleep praying.  If you get a chance to read the article, please do, and grab a tissue or two because it is a moving story.  The gist of the God Box though is to simply write down your prayers and then put them in the box and then let God take the prayers in writing form.  Fabulous right!  I recently received a prayer box from my sister in law, which is a very similar concept, but it wasn't until I read this story that it all came together for me.  I wrote my prayers in my small prayer box, but at the rate I pray for not losing my sanity, I needed a bigger box because my prayer box filled up quick and then I didn't have the heart to throw away prayers that weren't answered immediately.

Now if you know me, you know how I just feel that I have to look for the perfect thing.  To makes sure it is just right for the situation.  I honestly got the desire to get a couple other folks God Boxes that are in my life as well.  Crazy thing is a became a mad women in Hobby Lobby.  I had two kids in tow and I had to find the perfect God Boxes.  First of all is there even such thing as perfect?  But finding perfect with two kids in a huge arts and craft store is ludicrous.  After pacing the store and picking up over fifty boxes, I decided on a  perfect box for all of us.  I lost Audrey once in the store and I think I told Ayden no fifty times for all the things he found were just what he needed, but I found the boxes I needed and all that other chaos didn't matter.  Oh and by the way, Audrey was lost in the store, the girl didn't go looking for help, she just cried and prayed out loud that God would bring her to her mommy.  I guess I totally can't be mad at her, but boy I was hoping her defiance of ignoring me and walking away would have been a little more traumatic.  (Don't judge, I was a single momma all week long and she was just being a pill.)

I got home, and i began writing prayers like crazy in my small prayer box that I have down on the mail floor.  At night I then took the prayers up to my God Box and literally let God take over.  Now they are simple things like patience during a particular event, or even for restful sleep for a particular momma who needed it.  But the the point is, it is another way for me to just get those prayers out and not feel too guilty for passing out mid prayer.  And now my kiddos write things on paper and try to pass them off as prayers for the box as well.  They normally stay in my little prayer box and we talk about them when we get a chance.

There it is.  Something as simple as a larger box, has simplified my life and I am super excited to fill this box up with lots of prayers for anyone who asks.  :)

Friday, February 13, 2015

Puzzle King

Oh boy!  Ayden sure does love his puzzles.  I am really happy that he is into this great activity, but he wants me to do puzzles with him too.  Now I have two issues with this.  One is that I hate sitting on the hard floor because it makes me realize I am not as young as I used to be and it is a constant reminder that I need to get to the chiropractor.  And the number two reason is because he is better at puzzles than me.  I know embarrassing right?  The two and a half year old can put together a 48 piece puzzle together better than me.

The other day he begged me to do a puzzle with him at 6:30 am, yes that early, and I gave in because I needed Audrey to sleep and this was a great quiet activity.  He picked out our puzzles.  He grabbed a My Little Pony puzzle and he gave me a cat puzzle.  After about five minutes of working on the puzzle, Ayden was close to being done, and I was just finishing the cat's face of the puzzle, yes only the face.

You all can see how behind I am on this 48 piece puzzle.  Now maybe it is because I am just not a great puzzle master, but really look how much further Ayden is on his puzzle than me.  Now I am not proud to say how my competitive side came out.  I turned into a puzzle beast.  Every time I got a piece to fit, I hooted and hollered of my own success.  (Not my proudest moments as a mom.)  I literally boasted at my success causing a distraction to Ayden.  I even did a victory dance after the completion of my puzzle.  Mind you Ayden only had one piece left from his puzzle, I totally was excited I beat Ayden.  I know what you are thinking, what is wrong with me?  And I am not sure how to answer that, except that I probably need to work on my competition issues.  

Regardless of all my puzzle drama, Ayden loves them and is great at them.  I cannot wait until he gets to a bigger number than 48.  It just amazes me on his dedication and how he is intrigued with the challenge each puzzle brings.  We have plenty of puzzles for him to master at this point, and it always makes me chuckle when I see him breeze through the 24 piece puzzles like they are nothing.  It is almost like he needs that confidence builder before attempting that 48 piece one.  

I guess I better practice these puzzles at night so that I can feel a little better about myself with completing puzzles with my son.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Great Toilet Catastrophe

I already had planned what I was going to write about once I got the kiddos in bed, but it seems whenever I have an idea, it gets changed quickly.  Seriously I had pictures and everything to back up my post about puzzles, and then we had the great toilet catastrophe!  Now I know that this story could be so much more worse, but it was the last thing I wanted to deal with right before bed time.

It all begins as I was folding laundry and the kids were picking up a few things that I asked them to before we started our brushing teeth and story time.  Audrey decided to go into our bathroom and she found a toilet paper roll.  She was trumpeting through it, like most kids do, and then she went to show it off in front of Ayden.  She informed him that she would give him the next one she found.  This is when I should have just stopped folding laundry because I may have been able to stop the entire catastrophe if I didn't fold that last pair of socks.  It was then that I heard the toilet flush and the comment from Audrey, "Yeah!  Now we have two rolls!"  Now I knew the toilet paper was low in the kids bathroom, but not that low.  I asked Audrey to come grab something from me and I heard the toilet flush again.  Ugh...what was Ayden doing in the bathroom?  I know he loves flushing, but when Audrey went that way and then announced there was an emergency, I already knew what happened.  Sure enough, Audrey went to the bathroom and unrolled all that toilet paper and used it on her last potty trip and it was plugged.  Before I could say anything Audrey was up to her elbows in toilet water attempting to remove the clog.

Mind you I am getting text messages from my hubby at this point asking if we can FaceTime before the kids go to bed.  My quick response was, "Sure, once the darn toilet is unplugged!"  Washing Audrey's hands and arms, and then getting teeth brushed was the next steps on the agenda.  That was completed and I just told them to sit on the bed.  Then I dialed up their Daddy and let them FaceTime away.  I got the toilet unplugged and cleaned it while I was at it because it needed it anyway.

We survived this minor hiccup for the evening and as I reflected I realized it could have been worse.  I mean lets face it, I did not need a mop, there were no items floating on the floor, and there were no objects wedged in toilet but the paper.  I do believe this was Audrey's attempt to keep things equal in the house two so there would be no fighting with the toilet paper rolls.  If only she would have asked me if I had more...because I did!  With that I can breathe a sigh of relief and be grateful that this catastrophe was only minor, however that was not how I envisioned my evening ending with my kids on a Wednesday night.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Oh boy I have been really taking time to enjoy the moments with my kids.  I mean as chaos is crashing around me I am trying to laugh and just embrace things.  I have really come to understand that what my kids do and say bothers me more than it truly bothers any one else.  This has been said to me multiple times, but it is hard to remember when things are happening around you.  Now here are just a couple fun events that have happened that I didn't think they were very fun when occurring. However now I can laugh and actually realize that it is just what kids do.  Sometimes they just like to embarrass us without even knowing it!  :)

A week ago I had to take the cat to the vet for her yearly shots and check up, and I had to bring my entourage with me.  Audrey was super excited for the cat to get a shot and was very curious on how she would handle the pain.  The entire time the doctor was examining her she asked him the play by play of what he was doing.  He had made the comment that Aurora was a very good cat.  I had snickered and said she was a little high strung, but overall she was a good kitty.  Without skipping a beat, Audrey interjected in the conversation and added that Aurora was a pretty good cat, but she does scratch when you punch her.  Seriously child, you need to tell the vet you are punching your cat?  Without hesitation I said to Audrey that I probably would scratch her if she punched me and then explained to the vet that no one punches the cat.  I was waiting for PETA to come through the door, but then I got the chuckle from the vet and he informed me he had three kids and understood.  Thank you Lord that he understood that kids sometimes have diarrhea of the mouth and say things that are so off that you don't always believe what is happening.  Honestly I think the only time the cat has scratched the kids is due to them corning her or Ayden pulling her tail and well she needs to defend herself so I didn't really get after her for that kind of scratching.  But that is neither here nor there, just so that we are clear that no one abuses animals in my house even though my daughter speaks of punching the cat.

Now on to another crazy moment with my children.  Yesterday I went off to get a couple shirts with the kids because I needed out of the house.  Before we walked into the store I explained to the kids they needed to be close to me and on their best behavior.  We get into the store and they scatter when I am distracted by the sales lady talking to me.  Really?  This is what my kids do, they scatter and then literally play a weird game of hide and seek whenever I get distracted.  They were being good for the most part of roaming around the store, but Audrey was trying to bring me clothes to try on and Ayden was trying on sunglasses and dancing like a monkey.  Why can't things just be easy? I struggled with the help of the sales lady and found some shirts to try on.  As I was getting ready to grab my kids to go try on shirts, I couldn't find them.  I mean where could they go, they didn't leave the store, but I knew they were near because I could hear the giggling.  The kids were in the store front window dancing for the folks passing by the store.  I guess they were hurting no one, but I was waiting for someone to knock down a mannequin.  We got out of the store without any major incedents and I found a couple shirts, double bonus, but boy was that a hard trip.  Why do I think it is going to be any different than last time?  It always seems that it gets worse, but not better.  However the ladies at the store are always great because they have kids and get it.

Audrey is not always my crazy gal.  She does say some outlandish things, but as we were driving yesterday she asked a very unique question.  "Does it rain hearts on Valentine's Day?"  What an interesting question for a four year old.  I mean it makes sense that one could draw a conclusion to this with all the heart stuff that goes along with Valentine's Day.  However after we talked about me never seeing it rain hearts, she then just simply said, "Oh, I guess the book we read at school was wrong."  The truth comes out, she heard this in a book and was just checking to see if the book was fiction or nonfiction.  Nicely played Audrey, here I thought I had two out of the box thinking children.  Maybe she will get there, but for now I will just enjoy her random questions, comments, and dancing and embrace them as joys because they truly do bring laughter to my life.  But both kids do make me smile a lot more than wanting to bang my head on the wall, so that I am blessed and grateful.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

How Full Is Your Bucket?

On Sunday at church during the Children's Sermon, I held my breath like I normally do, in fear of what outlandish things would come out of my children's mouths, but was able to walk away with some empowering tools to begin what was going to be a very long week.

The topic was on filling and dipping buckets, whether it being yours or others, and was based off the story Have You Filled a Bucket Today?  A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids by Carol McCloud.
It really piggybacks off the concept of going through life with a full cup and how better we feel with a fuller cup.  I mean think about it, we can definitely go through life happier if we are full with love and happiness.  Most folks get love and happiness through simple gestures and generous acts from others or doing for others.  I truly believe that lately I have been running around with a low bucket, and this message could not have come at a better time!

I have really been wondering how I can get my children to become better.  Not that they are bad by any means, but I really want to create a lifestyle for my children where being kind is a natural behavior that stems from them understanding that being kind can make them and others feel good.  Maybe these are lofty goals, but I really do want my children to be thoughtful and use those big hearts I know they have.  I already have seen the kindness they have, but I think that lately they have lost sight of the importance of being kind.  The fact that we have had over a dozen knock down, drag out fights in the past week, being kind to each other or even following directions from Tyler and I has been far from their minds.

In the past couple days, Audrey has been very aware of being a bucket filler or a bucket dipper.  Now she has not been great at it, but she has been asking about certain acts and if she is helping fill my bucket.  She also has been telling me when I fill hers or dip from hers as well.  I am not sure that I am truly dipping because I am not giving her her way, but she is understanding when she feels good and bad about certain acts.  Now my little Ayden is a different story.  He really is not understanding how he is filling and dipping, but I have been vocal about letting him know when he has done both.  At this point he is really following Audrey's lead, which I am going to continue to roll with.

Now not only am I going to help my kiddos with this bucket filling, but I think it is very important that I lead by example.  I feel I give a lot, but I think I really only give within my house.  I need to work on filling other's buckets as I go out and about.  I mean lets think about it, how often do we go out and about and stay in our little space.  There are times that I feel that I am just trying to contain my chaos, but how hard would it be to help someone by holding the door, a simple smile, or a word of encouragement.  Even though I feel I have nothing left to give because lets face it as a parent I feel I give my kiddos everything, but being more of a bucket filler will in return help fill my bucket right?

Here is to filling buckets as a family, one small act at a time!

Thank you Linda Hankins for sharing this great book and inspiring me to be a better person!

Monday, February 9, 2015

A Little More Sleep Please???

Needless to say as I have come into motherhood, the lack of sleep is inevitable.  However I thought that as my babies grew it would get better.  I think I have written on this subject a lot, in hopes maybe it would improve.  In this stage of our lives, we are dealing with Ayden trying to push the envelope further.  He is still childproof lock free, however he may be losing that privilege soon because he is seriously finding every loophole in my parameters.

Ayden has been told he needs to stay in his room, but now he is playing the I'm scared card.  He doesn't' come into our room scared, but boy does he have a story to tell of why he is in our room.  The kiddo has gotten smart though.  He goes to Tyler's side of the bed, and Tyler just lifts him up and puts him in bed with us.  Now there are two issues with this, one Ayden is a windmill and two why is it Tyler will wake up for Ayden, but never wakes up for me when there is an issue with the kids?  Dually noted Tyler, and well played.  Now normally Tyler can fall back to sleep, but Ayden doesn't always think it is bedtime.  Since when is 4 am an acceptable wake up time?  The kid tosses and turns, and literally falls asleep about 6:30 and then passes out until 10 am.  Nice right?

I know that we will get through this tiring time, but I think it is about time that I get another clock that can motivate this kid to stay in his room.  We got a My Tot Clock for Audrey and I asked Audrye if Ayden could have hers, but she had a complete meltdown about this, so I guess I am going to search for another clock.
I think I have found the motivation for a new clock for Audrye and give Ayden the older clock, but I am wondering if that is fair?  The kids really aren't going to care at this stage because the old clock will be new to Ayden and if I get him a couple more stories to listen to on the clock, it may be a win win.  Now to contemplate what my best option is this afternoon because this is something that I can wait out because when Momma is sleepy, our world is not happy.
I think this a perfect switch for my little princess:).

Friday, February 6, 2015

Friday Funnies

Last Friday was by far a joke.  It seemed like every time I turned around something outlandish was occurring.  Like to the point where I was laughing at the end.  The best part was I took a few photos to just record these memories, and when I was telling Tyler about my day and he was chuckling, I kept saying I can't make this crazy up.  And that's what it was, some of the events that occur in our house is just that....crazy.

It all began with a quiet morning and fun play date before we got Audrey ready for preschool.  Before we walked out the door, I figured a pit stop to the bathroom was a good idea since I had just down a couple glasses of water.  As I went to flush the toilet the handle literally broke off in my hands.  It isn't like I was being forceful with my flush, it just broke in my hands.  I think I squealed a little because the kids came in to see what the commotion was and they were in instant defense mode of "It wasn't me!"  This was the topic of discussion on our way to preschool.  Why did you break the toilet mom?  How are we going to flush now?  Where will I go potty?  Seriously we have two other bathrooms upstairs and Audrey was determined we no longer had indoor plumbing due to one broken handle.

Now as we were traveling to preschool, all I could smell was jalapeno poppers.  Yes, in a moment of weakness the previous day I went through a drive thru and made a fast food splurge I haven't done in at least a year.  I of course had to eat this greasy goodness on my way home because why wait right?  In the process of stuffing my face and driving, I know totally safe right, a popper squirted juice down the front of my face.  Yes I was a hot mess but I thought I had cleaned it all up.  While traveling to preschool I came to the conclusion I must have had a squirt of jalapeno juice somewhere in the car.  I was frustrated because I thought I was going to have to do a deep clean of the car and it was not something I was looking forward to.  We were in the drop off line and I turned around to unbuckle Audrey, when I asked her if she smelled the jalapeno smell.  She of course was clueless, and I was determined that I would only be cleaning my front seat.  I took off my sunglasses as the sun went behind the clouds and it was pretty dark.  It was then that I realized where the smell was coming from.  I guess in the squirting of juice, some cream cheese from that popper landed on the nose piece of my sunglasses.  I had to take off and put on my sunglasses multiple times before I noticed this.  Oh boy...kinda scares me on how bad my observation skills are going down the toilet!

I prepared myself for more crazy because that is just what happens in our house, and it found us as I was finalizing dinner.  There was a knock at the door, and seriously you know how dogs go running to the door and start barking, this is kinda how my children react to knocks at the door.  Except this time, Ayden was roaring like a dinosaur and attempting to get the door open.  This garbage disposal representative looked scared and probably wasn't over the age of twenty.  He had know idea what kind of Pandora box he was getting ready to open.  This was the only time I was hoping Ayden would attempt to escape and roar at this poor man.  I didn't want to listen to his speech on garbage pick up and our garbage is included in the rent, but this gentleman was not listening.  So the giggle that came from me when Ayden started roaring and attempting to get out of the house was the prefect timing for me to tell the gentleman thanks but no thanks as I had to get my dinosaur under control.

There you go my friends, just a glimpse into my crazy Friday from last week.  Here is to hoping this Friday is a little less chaotic.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Snow Day Blues

When school was canceled yesterday I truly thought Audrey was going to lose her mind.  She was absolutely distraught that she was going to miss another day.  I guess this is a good problem to see with her wanting to go to school because it may change as she gets older.  Ayden was sad that the MOPS meeting was canceled because he was going to miss his friends.  Seriously did not know he was into friends, but good sign here that he likes people because I was beginning to fear that he was going to be my antisocial kiddo.

Okay now that you know how everyone was feeling, well at least the kids.  I had that feeling that the walls were closing in on me and we needed to make sure it was a good day.  Audrey loves schedules, so I figured I would plan our day and write it all down so we could stay on track.  This gave her some control too because she would go to the schedule I put on the fridge and would ask, "Okay Mom, what's next?"  Our morning went well, except for the free play.  I am not sure why my kids struggle with free play when I am watching them.  It is like they are putting on a show of lets pretend to play and then begin the kid's version of WWIII.

The kids were happy and we were all getting along.  I even managed to play six games of Chutes and Ladders, even after they changed the rules 80 million times, without losing my mind.  We worked on some letters, printing, and opposites.  A couple Valentine crafts were completed, and I even let the kiddos water color paint.  We had lunch and I even convinced the kids that quiet time was a great idea while I folded the two loads of laundry that was on the to do list.  Multiple stories were read, and I even surprised them with snow ice cream.  In which Audrey has informed us that snow ice cream is better with chocolate syrup because everything is better with chocolate.  Ahhh....a girl after my own heart!  I decided a little movie action may help buy me some time to get a couple projects done.  Everyone was happy with that decision.  We ended our day with a trip outdoors as the kids were determined to build a snowman and I needed to get after the drifted snow in the driveway.  The snowman was attempted as I was ready to go in, and they decided they wanted their snowman to be flat.  They had a couple carrot noses and some almonds for eyes and their mouths, but after they built the snowman faces they decide to eat them.

While I was attempting to make dinner and they kids were playing around with some expo markers and notebooks, Audrey informed me today was the best day ever and I was a good mom.  Thank you Audrey, I think?  I guess when our day is jam packed with activities and fun I am a good mom, but when I make them do things on their own I am just mediocre.  Well I have said it before and I will say it again, I am okay with being okay, so bring on a few mediocre days:)

Just enjoying some snow ice cream!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Quality verse Quantity

Boy can I tell that it is that time of the year.  I remember the winter blues hitting me more in March, but this year they have hit me in full force.  I think there are quite a few factors hitting me at this point, but I can just feel myself falling into a funk and it is the silly things that are getting to me.

Lately I am finding myself scrolling through Facebook and seeing everyone having a good time. Here is my first issue, stop looking at social media Lindsay.  However even though I am seeing folks have a good time, it is making me sad.  Sad because I was not invited to those events.  Really?  I need to get a grip on this sadness because a month ago that would not have bothered me, but I really believe that with the weather and still attempting to find our routine again has really amplified my emotions.

After I had discussed my funky feelings yesterday with some wise folks, I have awoken with a new look on things.  This may be due to the fresh snow that is coming down hard that has changed the perspective of the world outside, but regardless of the reasons I am feeling better.  It has gotten me to think about friendships though.  I love how during different seasons of our lives, God allows folks to walk into our lives and give us the friendships we need for that time.  What is even better is when those folks are lifelong friends.  You know what I am talking about, those besties you have that you can literally not talk to for years, but once you see them again pick up right where you left off like no time ever passed!  I am so lucky to have a handful of these gals in my life because there are some folks who never experience this type of friendship.

As we adjust to the nonmilitary lifestyle, I have found myself understanding the concept of quality of friendship very quantity.  I have always had the philosophy of surrounding myself with many friends.  I mean the more the merrier and if you ever return back to the previous stationed place, you will have a built in support system...bonus right?!  Yet now I need to realize this is not my life any more.  I need to take the time to focus on the friendships I have now and work on those, verse trying to add more to my circle. that I typed that means I really should follow through on that one, and lets face it trying to change something you have done for years is hard.

There it is, I am going to work on my authenticity in my friendships.  I will add more to my circle of friends willingly, but I will not be pursuing it as hard as I sometimes feel I have in the past.  I am going to embrace what I have been given and continue to be grateful for my quality of friendships and stop focusing on the quantity.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Mommy I Want You

Okay so I have to admit that I love bedtime for two reasons.  Number one, Ino longer have to be responsible for two little humans that are driving me insane, and number two, I can sit on my butt and do nothing if I want and not feel bad about it.  Bed time is the beginning of mommy time and I love it.

Ayden is great about getting into his bed and going to sleep, but Audrey pushes the envelope and really tries to stay up as late as possible and see what mom and dad do when she goes to bed.  Which basically is not too exciting except we do watch an occasional show, which for some reason has an appeal to her, but that is neither here nor there.  I get annoyed with Audrey when she does not go to bed right away.  Annoyed because how dare she infringe on my mommy time!  Yes, I just wrote that and after reading this article, Mommy Will You Lay With Me I am disappointed in myself.

I really love my children, but sometimes I just need a break, but I am really trying to work on laying with Audrey more because she needs that extra time.  Most the time, we both grab our books and we just lay together and read to ourselves.  However last night I had a mommy moment that made that lay down time worth it, even though I had a bunch of things to do.  Audrey has been into listening and reading the Bible.  I asked her if she wanted to pick out a place in the Bible to read, and she eagerly did so and asked me to begin reading.  We read a story in Acts about King Herod, and it ended where King Herod had been cursed with a disease and was eaten by worms.  Yeah I read it and then realized I should have censored, however I focused on a different part and we discussed it and she had forgotten about the dying and worms...thank goodness!

At this point I decided maybe I should leave the reading to her.  She found her Bernstein Bear Bible and read me the Creation story.  She most definitely was not reading the words, but she had the story memorized and she was giving her best effort to retell that story.  At this point I couldn't help but begin to drift off to sleep.  I don't think I was sleeping too long because I was awoken to a blanket being taken off me and a whisper of sorry.  During some part of Audrey's reading, I had truly drifted off to sleep and she covered me up with her blanket, however she must have become cold and needed her blanket because she was grabbing it back.  It was then I realized that I was given some moments I would have never experienced if I didn't take the time to lay down with Audrey.  I needed this because all during the day I was completely overwhelmed with the kids behaviors and really thought they were out to just drive me insane.  (I know that sound irrational, but I was having one of those days!)

Take time to read the article mentioned above and take time to let those chores be and lay down with those babies because the time slips away quickly!