Tuesday, February 10, 2015

How Full Is Your Bucket?

On Sunday at church during the Children's Sermon, I held my breath like I normally do, in fear of what outlandish things would come out of my children's mouths, but was able to walk away with some empowering tools to begin what was going to be a very long week.

The topic was on filling and dipping buckets, whether it being yours or others, and was based off the story Have You Filled a Bucket Today?  A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids by Carol McCloud.
It really piggybacks off the concept of going through life with a full cup and how better we feel with a fuller cup.  I mean think about it, we can definitely go through life happier if we are full with love and happiness.  Most folks get love and happiness through simple gestures and generous acts from others or doing for others.  I truly believe that lately I have been running around with a low bucket, and this message could not have come at a better time!

I have really been wondering how I can get my children to become better.  Not that they are bad by any means, but I really want to create a lifestyle for my children where being kind is a natural behavior that stems from them understanding that being kind can make them and others feel good.  Maybe these are lofty goals, but I really do want my children to be thoughtful and use those big hearts I know they have.  I already have seen the kindness they have, but I think that lately they have lost sight of the importance of being kind.  The fact that we have had over a dozen knock down, drag out fights in the past week, being kind to each other or even following directions from Tyler and I has been far from their minds.

In the past couple days, Audrey has been very aware of being a bucket filler or a bucket dipper.  Now she has not been great at it, but she has been asking about certain acts and if she is helping fill my bucket.  She also has been telling me when I fill hers or dip from hers as well.  I am not sure that I am truly dipping because I am not giving her her way, but she is understanding when she feels good and bad about certain acts.  Now my little Ayden is a different story.  He really is not understanding how he is filling and dipping, but I have been vocal about letting him know when he has done both.  At this point he is really following Audrey's lead, which I am going to continue to roll with.

Now not only am I going to help my kiddos with this bucket filling, but I think it is very important that I lead by example.  I feel I give a lot, but I think I really only give within my house.  I need to work on filling other's buckets as I go out and about.  I mean lets think about it, how often do we go out and about and stay in our little space.  There are times that I feel that I am just trying to contain my chaos, but how hard would it be to help someone by holding the door, a simple smile, or a word of encouragement.  Even though I feel I have nothing left to give because lets face it as a parent I feel I give my kiddos everything, but being more of a bucket filler will in return help fill my bucket right?

Here is to filling buckets as a family, one small act at a time!

Thank you Linda Hankins for sharing this great book and inspiring me to be a better person!

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