Monday, February 8, 2016

Good Intentions

It is Monday and I had all intentions of getting Audrey off to school and then taking Ayden to the forest as he loves to do on Mondays.  However, today he asked to stay home.  Now initially I got a little annoyed because I wanted to go be social and get out of the house, but sometimes kids just know what they need.  Our morning has been slow so far, with some speech practice and an extra cup of coffee for me, but it has been calm.  Currently Ayden is curled up on the couch watching an episode of Paw Patrol.  Gasp...yes I am letting him have a little bit of screen time.

I am not sure what it is about how things pan out, but I just feel like some days things just happen because they were meant to be.  I get overwhelmed some days because we have to run here or there, but today we have the opportunity to stay home and that is what we will do this morning.  I have a few errands to run, but I think Ayden will be okay with them as I will keep him motivated with the promise of a few board games this afternoon.  Plus I promised the kids to go swimming after school, so hopefully I can dangle that carrot in front of him.

The whole purpose of writing today I think is because some days I think I know best, but through my kiddos, they sometimes guide me in the right direction.  Today we will make today easier, and I can guarantee we will have a few less meltdowns than what would have been.  If only I could just listen to what I really need to be doing verse the control freak Lindsay that takes over everything from just being.  Like I have mentioned before I am far from perfect, but I guess taking the time to just being could probably fill my cup a little easier than running around attempting to do everything on my to do list.  Kids don't always need to be entertained constantly and they need down days too.  So there you go, we are taking advantage of our down day and embracing the present.

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