Last Thursday, Audrey and Tyler did a Daddy/Daughter dance. I can not express how excited Audrey was to do this dance with her Dad. There would be dinner and dancing. Little did she know all the sweets this would also entail until she arrived.
I was so excited that Tyler and Audrey were able to get their special time together because unfortunately we do not do special times with the kids individually as much as I would like. In the picture you can actually see how truly excited she was.
When Audrey returned home, it was apparent she was on a sugar high, but so tired as well. She took off her dress, brushed through her hair, and brought me her tights that had a hole in the butt because they did a lot of dancing is what her response was. I really didn't have any words, so I kissed her goodnight and off to dream land she went.
Now I wasn't feeling 100% that evening, so I simply confirmed with Tyler if she truly had fun and if it would be something they would do again, which was a yes to both questions. I asked about the tights...I mean seriously was my daughter dropping it like its hot or was this just normal wear and tear on a pair of tights she has only worn three times? Tyler confirmed her dancing only consisted of twirling and slow dancing so the jury is still out on the tights.
What made this evening even more special was the conversation that happened at breakfast between Audrey and her brother. I mean seriously she painted the picture of a magically evening with lots of sweets. She could not leave that part out because obviously that was one of the highlights and I think she threw that in to make Ayden a little jealous too. Regardless I knew that at that moment of the breakfast conversation, that Tyler and her time together was so special and worth her crankiness of getting dressed later that morning worth it.
It really put things into perspective that kids don't need things to show that they are loved. All they need is your attention and time, which is a lot cheaper and more important to them than the latest and greatest toy. I need to remember that on those days I feel defeated, that I gave my children something they will always time and attention. Some days are harder than others, but it is always worth it.
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