Monday, March 5, 2018


Obviously I am off by a long shot on chatting about Lent as the beginning has come and gone, but life has gotten a little busy and I finally feel I have a few minutes to jot down what I am doing this year for Lent.

When I was younger, we never gave things up for Lent, as I am not sure if it was just not recognized in my family or our church, but we really never did give anything up.  I remember that our pastor spoke of reflection during this time, but that is about all the recollection I have.  As we have become active in our church since moving to Nebraska, I have really given Lent a second thought.  Really worked on that reflection and what it all meant in my life.  See this year was the first year that I went to an Ash Wednesday service and I think this really got me thinking.  I really need to work on patience, especially with my children, and that is when I decided that I would reflect for them.

Two years ago I decided I was going to write 40 letters to those who inspired me through the year.  I have to say I only got about 20 done and I am ashamed to say this, but it is what it is.  This year I found two, small notebooks for my kids and I explained to them that I would write each day in these notebooks about one thing I love about them.  Some days it is harder than others, especially after a rough day, but you know what I can always find a new thing that I love about my kids.  Something as simple as a love for books, and when they read their special notebook daily they get excited and smile.

Lets face it, there are many days I yell or get on my kids for certain things, and I know they feel it is because I don't like them.  This is just a way for me to ask for forgiveness from them and let them know I do love them.  It is my simple gesture that is added to an apology or an "I love you".

So for the remainder of Lent, I will continue to find different reasons as to what I love about my kids and continue to build them up.  Hopefully they will keep these when they are down to feel better about themselves if they ever get to that point so they can see all the great qualities they hold.  Audrey even did mention to Ayden she was going to keep this notebook for forever, and I know Ayden will because he is a hoarder.


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