Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Death of the Turtle Spoon

When I was younger there was a particular Corelle plate that I always had to eat on.  It was my plate, and if anyone else ate off of that plate it would just frustrate me.  To this day my parents have saved that plate and I have to have it to eat on when I am home.  It does not even come close to matching any of my mom's new dishes, but it doesn't matter because they know what something simple means to me.  I even get myself in a frenzy when we have family dinners and my brother takes the plate on purpose.  He knows its my plate, but there is just something in the sibling rivalry game that makes him do it and gain an evil smile, even though it may make me whine. 

Now my kids have become the same way with a turtle spoon as I was with my plate.  I bought a few sets of silverware for the kids so that we weren't running out of forks and spoons for them.  I think I had picked them up at Target in the dollar bin, and I had bought two sets of forks and spoons for each kid.  No one was particular about what utensils they would use, but they knew who's were whose.  However spoons and forks broke, and we started becoming particular of the ones we wanted and it no longer became that the turtle spoon and fork belongs to Ayden.  It was like the turtle spoon became a Holy Grail.  The kids would race and then it would end in tears for the one who did not get the ridiculous spoon.  I secretly wished the spoon would just break, and unfortunately one day it did.  

It was only about a week ago when the turtle spoon met its death.  The kids were sad, but they handled it a lot better than I thought.  I thought my prayers had been answered, but the fight for the turtle fork still occurs.  However Ayden has changed things up a bit and uses a fork for everything.  Eating yogurt with a fork is his favorite thing to do.  He normally gets up before Audrey in the morning as well, so he eats his yogurt with his turtle spoon and feels he has won the entire situation.  I am secretly wishing for the fork to meet its demise as well.  

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