It was your average Wednesday, and I actually was making progress on the long to do list that I had. The kids were cooperating with everything and I really felt pretty good about myself. Seriously why don't I look for those signs. You know what I am talking about, the sign that things don't always go as planned so putting your guard down is never a good idea.
I had sent everyone upstairs because I wanted a few minutes of peace while I was wrapping up loading the dishwasher and guzzle the last of my coffee. The kids were running around upstairs, but I didn't really think anything of it because I went up to check on them and they were in Ayden's room playing cars. I took advantage of the fact they were having fun and grabbed some laundry and took it downstairs. This literally took five minutes, and the kids were still in Ayden's room.
I then decided it was time to get the kids clothes for the day together since neither of them wanted to pick out their outfits. I walked into Audrey's room first and smelled burning plastic. I immediately went to the vent to see what little person or plastic toy was heating up, but to my surprise there was nothing there. I began investigating and realized there was smoke coming from Audrey's little night lamp by her bed. I quickly turned off and unplugged the lamp, and yelled for Audrey to come explain herself.
This is when it gets a little quirky. Initially I yelled and asked how Belle got on top of the lamp in the first place. Audrey admitted that she put Belle on the lamp, but I was still confused why she needed to even turn on the lamp because we had turned it off when she woke up. She then informed me that Belle was showering and that is why the lamp was on (guess that represented turning the water on). After my observation of discovering Belle, I would have to say she was doing a great job shampooing her hair, although she may have suffered from a chemical burn, as you will see in the picture.
When Belle's hair finally cooled off I was able to pry her off the light bulb and then I took her to show Audrey the damage. I think Audrey was stunned at the damage of something so simple could do. We discussed how this could have turned out bad, and I am not sure if she processed it 100%, but she did have the entire day, except for preschool to think about it in her room. Before she went to preschool she did say how just reading books in her room wasn't fun and that maybe Belle should have not showered. Not sure if that was the exact response I wanted, but I hope we will not experience this again because my nerves are shot and our upstairs smells like burnt plastic.
Belle's hair is a little crispy, don't you think?
This is how I found Belle smoldering on the lightbulb.
So scary!!!
ReplyDeleteThat it was! I am just grateful I caught the situation when I did! I hate thinking about what could have happened if this happened after I had her dressed and we just left for the day. We still don't have a lamp in her room and probably won't let her have that lamp back for awhile.