Friday, January 26, 2018

To Laugh or To Cry

I truly have no problem with laughing at myself, but some days I do question why things happen to me.  I mean I would be okay with a little less excitement some days.

Yesterday I decided after I finished volunteering I was going to be productive and wash my car.  I am a creature of habit, and even though I drove past a perfectly good car wash I kept driving because I am a creature of habit.  I wanted to wash my car where I felt comfortable.  Right there see I should have just taken the chance and went to the one closer to the house.  I mean obviously from my post yesterday, I am struggling with the unknown, and going to a new carwash would have been a great opportunity to try something out of my comfort zone.  But once again I ignored that sign from God.  Seriously...I need big signs like maybe a flashing billboard because you all know how well I listen to that inner voice that tells me to be brave.  And maybe I am just grasping at straws to think that the thought of changing lanes and trying a new car wash wasn't my own idea, but I am only rethinking how I listen to the good voices in my head.

Okay now on to the car wash.  My first sign should have been that the first bay I drove in did not take my credit card, but I thought to myself I'll just try another stall and just knock this out real quick.  Well I pulled into the next stall, slid my card through the machine and bingo I was off to a great start. I began rinsing off all the mud and salt from the week and switch quickly over to the soap feature to rinse off the last little bit of dirt.  I got all the way around the car and was just about ready to switch it over to the rinse feature again, and that is when things broke into absolute chaos.  See the hose sprung a leak and it was literally flailing all over.  It was like a scene from a cartoon, where the character chases after the out of control hose.  By the time I got a hold of the hose, I remembered to hit the off button cause that came a few seconds to late...thanks inner voice for that help, and then hung up the hose.  I walked to the driver side of my van, sopping wet and looking somewhat like a drowned rat, and realized that I should probably go to another stall and try and get the soap off the van.   I drove to the next stall and got out.  I went to swipe my card and yet another defeat...the machine was broken.  So that was two broken machines, and another stall with a broken hose, and a car that still had soap on it.  At this point I did admit defeat, got in the car and drove home.

See it doesn't seem to stop there because as I thought I would just throw the jeans into the dryer and blow dry my hair, I realized my jeans were too tight to take off wet.  Thank you very much food and wine I could not control over Thanksgiving and Christmas.  So there I was blow drying not only my hair before I had to get the kids from school, but my pants because lets face it that water was cold.

Now at this point I could only laugh because let me tell you, this story is so out there that I don't even know if I can make this stuff up.  So instead of crying and getting frustrated, I decided to today I would just laugh.  Because lets face it, I look a lot better laughing than crying.

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