Monday, January 13, 2014

Thank You!

I am sure you were expecting a post of some of the great kid encounters of the weekend, but I am going to get all sentimental on you:).

I want to sincerely thank you all for your support and positive comments as I post each day.  Maybe you enjoy reading about my chaos because it makes you feel better about yourself or my world is seriously a reality TV series and there are those of you out their that just want to see that you are not the only one out there dealing with similar situations.  Whatever the reason, I appreciate you.

There are days that I feel that I could probably handle the taping of a reality show in my home and that it would be successful.  I can see it now, just the taping of a morning getting ready for physical therapy or preschool, and I would have lots of side bar conversations with the camera questioning my sanity, motivating myself to not get into the chocolate or wine this early in the morning,  and the intentions of my children.  Heck I think if I got the reality TV gig, maybe it could help me get help with the book I want to write about PWS and bullying and my long term goal to be a motivational speaker. Yes my friends here are yet a few more secrets revealed of what I want to be when I grow up.

Regardless of where this blogging takes me, I love doing it and sharing my world with you all.  My intentions are to make people smile and make you all feel that you are not the only ones going through some of this crazy drama.  There are days I feel I am so alone, but that is the most ridiculous thought out there because we are all human, deal with challenges, and have those crazy thoughts in our heads.  Nevertheless our backgrounds, upbringings or ethnicity we all put our pants on one leg at a time.  Believe me, I tried putting both legs at once with a jumping technique and the results were an epic fail.  Just in case you are thinking of trying it at home...don' hurts!

A few kid funnies to relieve the drag of Monday though.

*  It is hilarious to see my kids pick up on some of our weird habits.  Recently both kids have begun eating food wrapped in paper towel so their hands do not get dirty.  I just had to tell Audrey that eating a cooking wrapped in a paper towel was much harder to eat than without.  Can you guess who she got that habit from???

* Ayden loves to use the term "uh-oh" A LOT!  Everything is "uh-oh", and just recently I thought he was using it in the right context.  He crashes down a Lego tower...uh-oh.  The cat is into something she is not suppose to be...uh-oh.  Audrey is in a time out...uh oh.  It would appear he has it down to a precise science of how to use the term "uh-oh".  That is until five minutes ago when he spilled his cereal milk all over the floor.  I got silence.  I didn't even know what to say as I was waiting for the "uh-oh" and we were going to move on from there.  Instead we both sat for a minute, watched and listened as the milk dripped off the side of the table, and I said uh-oh and Ayden shook his head.  I guess in his mind, it was not a proper time to use the phrase "uh-oh".

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