Thursday, January 16, 2014

To vaccinate or not? That is the question!

This topic could definitely get heated as I know there are many who are very passionate/opinionated of this subject!  However, out of respect of this blog and ALL my readers, please if you must comment be polite and mature.

I am not writing this to piss anyone off or get any one's panties in a bunch. I am writing this because I have seen so many articles and studies out there about the subject so it has just prompted me to start the discussion.

I was vaccinated as a child, and I vaccinate my children.  In fact some may think I may over vaccinate, if that is even such a thing.  However here is my take on this situation.  I want to protect my children, therefore if there is a vaccination out there that will protect my child from getting a disease that could possibly take their life, you better believe your bottom dollar I am doing it.  It seems like common sense right?

This is where you may begin to question me though.  I had both my kids receive the flu shot last month, but I refused the flu shot myself.  I am one of those weirdos that seems to get more ill when I have the flu shot than when I don't.  I have had this discussion with my doctors many times and the research shows this is not possible that the shot is making me more ill.  So I have accepted that, but realized that my body just does not react appropriately to the flu vaccination.  However my children are exposed to things I don't feel I am.  I do not directly stick my hands in my mouth or random objects like they do, which seems to make them even more susceptible to the germs.  Therefore, Ayden needed to get the shot because he puts everything in his mouth and if this could prevent him from getting seriously ill, not from being sick because kids will get sick regardless, then it needs to happen.  Audrey is in preschool and exposed to a lot of germs, I was hesitant to have her get the shot, however she actually asked to get it.  Now who's kid asks for a shot?  I guess mine does and I supported her by not batting an eye for her to have that sucker afterwards since she was so brave.

Therefore, I feel that when we do not vaccinate our children it allows them to be exposed to things that could be prevented.  I know that many years ago these vaccinations were not available and people survived, however why would you want to take that chance?  Yet we are all parents and feel we are doing the best for our children, so I am not one to judge if you vaccinate or not. 

Here are a few links that are in regards to vaccination, that I found intriguing to read.

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