Oh the joys of traveling with little ones!
Last week we took a vacation to Oregon to visit with Tyler's parents. The kids were excited and frankly I was ready for a change in scenery too. However I hate traveling! Whenever I traveled alone I had the worst luck...seriously always delays. I mean how many of you have had to sit in a loaded plane in 30 below weather and wait for the mechanics to fix the air conditioning? Really folks that is why the plane was delayed for me once. I know it is about safety, but I don't think an air conditioner is needed at 30 below on the ground or at 30,000 feet. I have become a little luckier flying with my hubby, but normally 1 in 5 flights are delayed for some reason or another.
This was our first family trip out of the Omaha airport and I was interested to see how smoothly things would go. I mean we got off to a good start by loading the kids in the car, but things did begin to become difficult. It all began when we were trying to get all of our stuff onto the shuttle bus to the airport. Tyler was unloading the car and I was unloading the kids when the driver had the nerve to tell us to hurry because there were other folks needing to catch the shuttle. Okay buddy, let me just strap both kids on my back and grab some luggage too. How about you get out of you warm, cozy bus and help me pick up a few bags to speed up the process? Already I was feeling myself turn into the crazy momma that was sleep deprived and was ready for a fight.
We get to the airport and things were going well, until Audrey had to go through the revolving doors. Seriously I hate the revolving doors as well, but I have learned to just go through as quickly as possible and deal. However, Audrey just froze. Tyler was trying to get her to go through as he carried a car seat and roller bag, but she struggled the entire time through. We finally made it through the doors and I figured we were on for smooth sailing...WRONG!
As we began going through the ticket line and started the checking baggage process we were told that the airlines does not provide plastic covers for the car seats. Really? We traveled last January and got it from a different airline, but I guess this airline decided not to. But for only $15 we could purchase one of their durable cloth bags, but since our car seats were so big, we would have to buy two. Okay so we had to pay a little extra, no big deal. Then my bag that had the kids and I's clothes in it was over by 2 pounds. The lady couldn't look the other way and stick a heavy tag on it? Oh no I had to then go through and transfer items to my husband's bag, all the while the line becomes super long and you can hear the disgruntle folks behind me. Finally we were ready to be done with the ticketing and baggage process when I am then told I need to take all my crap over to the folks in TSA. At this point I am just pissed, and I really have no reason to be upset but I am tired, hungry, and grouchy. Ayden is crying because he wants his Dad, Audrey wants me to hold her, and we need to take the luggage and car seats over to the luggage area. Well in my great mind of thought I put Ayden on top of my roller bag and began pushing him on it, but he decides to practice his gymnastics and off sets the suitcase and we both go toppling over the bag. I caught him, but he still fell and it scared him, and all the folks waiting for us to leave watched the entire thing! I gave up, left my bag on the floor, scooped up Ayden, grabbed Audrey's hand and we all sat and waited until Tyler got the luggage to the proper spot. (Probably should have done that in the first place, but I guess I was not thinking clearly.)
While waiting for Tyler to begin our next adventure...security, I took notice that Ayden was breaking out in hives. So I then go into panic mode. I instantly want to have him looked over by a medic or need to call for a referral from TriCare (or whatever it is called nowadays) and take him to the urgent care when we arrive in Oregon. I think at this point Tyler had ignored me and just decided to go through security. We waited in line and I got quite a few comments on if Ayden was okay after the fall...yes he is okay, but my pride wasn't. It was our turn to go through the metal detectors and we all went single file with me at the end. Ayden was in front of me, doing great when he went through the metal detector and some nimrod wasn't paying attention and clocked the kid with the plastic swinging door for the wheelchairs to go through. I about died. I scooped the poor kid up and he was fine, simply dazed, but boy did the TSA guy chew the other TSA guy's butt. I was happy that someone else did it as I was already crazy enough this morning.
We finally got to our gate, and the kids were ready to go. I hate when we stand in line to get on the plane though. Either you have folks who really like kids and understand that it is hard traveling with children or you have those folks who roll their eyes. Good thing I did not encounter any eye rolling that first leg. The flight to Denver is quick so things went smoothly. While we were getting ready to board for our flight to Portland though you could tell that Ayden was exhausted. The eye rolls began, but at this point I knew he would fall asleep once we took off. Bonus...he fell asleep even before take off. Audrey watched her movie and was very happy through the flight.
Once in Portland, Tyler helped get our luggage, but then set off to get the rental car. The kids were wound up because they had to sit and be quiet, but they felt that the terminal was a great place to run and squeal. I let them get their energy out because I knew we still had a two hour drive to Corvallis, but boy did I get that look of control your kids. There were quite a few people who were trying to talk on their cell phones and I think my kids giggles and squeals made it hard to hear, but seriously folks they are kids, cut them some slack. Now don't think I allowed them to climb on the luggage carousels or any thing crazy. I just let them play and be kids.
We finally began our journey to Corvallis and the kids both slept most of the way...HALLELUJAH!
Our visit was great and the kids saw the ocean for the first time. We even enjoyed a 60 degree day, which was a such a treat. Our trip back was not even half as eventful as on our way to Oregon, but we did have a few meltdowns. However this is totally normal for having a 3 1/2 year old and a 20 month old.
So as I laugh at our adventure of traveling. I realize that traveling with children is not for the weak. You have to have patience, lots of treats and toys, and more patience. I know they will not be little forever, but I do look forward to the day that they can carry their own bags and not need a car seat for travel!
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