I can't even believe I am writing this post about this crazy issue that I have, greasy hair. I have always had greasy hair, like not bad, but by the end of the day it was noticeably greasy to me. I always thought that you wash greasy hair every day and it is something I just live with, extra oil for me, but after my research I have done, washing thick, greasy hair daily makes your hair greasier. Freaking fantastic, I have been doing things wrong for over 30 years, and that brings me to my problem now.
It wasn't until we moved here to Nebraska that I noticed I was having this greasy hair issue. I have been blaming it mainly on our water softener because that is the only thing that drastically changed from Colorado to here. However I think I have a bigger issue than the water softener. I wash my hair daily, every other day I alternate between a few different shampoos so I do not get excessive build up, but once I dry my hair, my hair is more greasy than it was when I got in the shower to wash it. I think it was Saturday I had gotten to my wits end. I researched and read about some ways to help with this build up issue and I figured it really couldn't get any worse than it already is. I mean you could fry an egg on the crown of my head that is how gross we are talking here. Once again, still wondering why I am still writing this down!
So I figured I was going to begin with a lemon juice rinse. I would get in the shower and literally wash my hair with just 1/4 fresh lemon juice with 1 cup water. The smart gal I am I mixed this concoction in a measuring cup and took it into the shower with me. I wet the bottom part of my hair and began working the solution into my hair. I got the top part of my head wet, dump on more solution and of course got the dam stuff in my eyes...you would think I would know that it probably wouldn't feel good, but I kept on working the solution into my scalp until it was all gone. I rinsed well and I have never been more excited to get out of the shower and blow dry my hair.
It was time to see if this concoction really worked. I finished up drying my hair and I was in tears. Once again I had greasy hair, but also a few extra lemon chunks/pieces in my hair as well that never got rinsed out. Seriously what was I going to do now. Then I remembered I read that flour absorbs oil in the hair as well. I marched myself down the stairs and began working flour into the crown of my head and wherever else I felt my hair was greasy. I came upstairs to then comb out my hair and realized my hair was no longer dark brown at the top of my head but was a gray color. Flipping fantastic! I had a church and a preschool open house to help out at and I had a discolored, greasy mop of hair on top of my head! I just brushed my hair and put it in a barrette so that it covered most of the discoloration and just called it a day.
Funny thing is by the end of the day, my hair actually felt smooth, so I thought that something was working. So onto Monday's experience. I rinsed again with a new lemon juice mixture and put it in a shampoo bottle so I did not have it running down my face. Got out of the shower and blow dried my hair. Now it was a little greasy, but not as bad as what I have been used to. I assumed I am making progress. However by the time we finished our errands to physical therapy and Mud Pies, my hair was greasy again. So I fixed the kids lunch and went to town on my hair with flour. Now Audrey is watching me this entire time, asking questions and I told her I was just putting water on my head because the last thing I need her into is the flour. I guess I am glad that I told her this too because I found her after she washed her hands putting water on her head just like mom. Sigh...why can't she pick the normal things I do, but wait do I do anything normal?
The conclusion of this all is that I think the lemon juice stuff is working, but I am not sure what else to do. I have found a couple shampoo recommendations online for my oily hair, but if any of you know of a great solution I am more than willing to try within reason. I am sure this may have to do with hormones and age, but geesh isn't all the other things in life enough?
So today if you feel you are having or you had a bad hair day, just think of me and my flour covered head and simply smile at yourself in the mirror and embrace that bad hair day because at least your hair isn't greasy and gray due to flour!
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