Last week Ayden did something Audrey never attempted to do, and that was climb out of his crib. He threw out all his stuffed animals that were in his crib and threw his leg over the edge of the crib and fell to his freedom. He scared himself more than anything, but was also very proud of his defeat. I knew that at this point we needed to turn his crib into the toddler bed I was dreading to do. Seriously this was one container I did not want to release him of quite yet, but I did know it would need to happen sooner or later.
I was so glad that I asked Tyler to make this transition of his bed on the weekend because I was not sure how Ayden would handle this. Ayden said he wanted his bed to be made like Audrey's, but I don't think it was because he wanted to be like his sister, it was because he knew what not having a container at bedtime meant! He was finally free and he was going to take advantage of this as much as I would like him.
Nap time was a great time to try out the bed. I laid him down in his crib, kissed him, and told him to have a nice rest. He told me, "Bye," and I thought we this was going very smoothly. I need to remember that nothing goes smoothly in parenting, but I thought maybe Ayden would just make this easy…yeah right! Ayden gets up out of his bed, opens the door, and then runs out of his room like a maniac, screaming into his sister's room. I grab him, and place him back into his bed and close the door. At this point I am following the stuff I have seen on Super Nanny because I am trying to prove to Ayden he needs to sleep in his room in the bed. Well, Ayden made a "jail break" another twenty times when I finally got smart. I held the door knob and he realized he couldn't open the door so he went back to his bed. He tried this about ten times, and finally got down on his hands and knees and put his fingers under the door and began attacking my feet. He was laughing hysterically and knew it was me holding the door and he was trying his last attempt of cuteness to get out of his room. I held my laughter in and continued to hold the door handle, and I finally won! Yeah Mommy 1, Ayden 0…for the time being. He finally went to his bed and literally fell into it and passed out. Yes he made it look that easy to go to sleep, and slept very well for a nap I might add.
What I have realized is that bed time will not be that easy for Ayden anymore now that he is no longer able to be contained. We will be investing in those childproof door handles soon, but until then I think I see a lot of wine and praying for patience and strength in my future.
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