I truly believe the person who invented the concept of Daylight Savings Time did not have children at the time! Each year I say this statement and currently I am living in a world of crabbiness. I am crabby and my children are crabby. It is like we cannot grasp the concept of when to wake up, take naps, or go to bed. I have truly kept them on a schedule, but they want nothing to do with it. It is a blessing in disguise that this week is Audrey's spring break because we would have never made it to school on time. We may be getting closer to getting back into our routine, but boy are we a crabby and needy bunch right now!
I am strictly in survival mode right now and I am finding that my two favorite uppers and downers, coffee and wine, are becoming my best friends through this week. Honestly it hasn't been too bad, but I think this morning has been the worse. It started out great, just Ayden and I, eating our breakfast quietly together talking about animal noises, yogurt, and his butt (yes, it's his favorite topic right now). Then Audrey woke up singing and came downstairs and then I'm not sure what happen. It may have been because I asked her to decide what she wanted for breakfast or Ayden wanted her attention, who knows, but she unleashed her inner beast! My favorite quote from her this morning through the sobbing and whining was, "Mom, I woke up with an armful of joy, but now it is gone because you didn't give me my way!" Yes I am the joy destroyer, and quite frankly I really don't know how I destroyed joy, but I must be good at it to get that sort of reaction.
We are now trying to get into our routine for the day and play as I sit here and type. Yep, I am posting a blog while my children are awake because Mommy needs a time out. I think this is probably causing me more stress as my kids are calling my name every five seconds and my eye begins twitching, but hey I will get something done right?!
The end of my rant is that kids need time to adjust, but so do parents and it's okay that I am cranky too. However, I set the tone of the day so if I'm crabby, they are too. Therefore, I better put on my big girl panties, stop the whining, and go build some towers and get some crafts together for my two busy bodies.
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