Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Oil Pulling Pt. 2

I have written a post on oil pulling before, but I just recently began pulling again.  Let me give you a tip, after not pulling for about six months starting again is hard.

Unfortunately every time I oil pull I gag really bad.  Now it could be a couple of reasons, one being that it just takes awhile to get back into it.  The second reason could be because this summer the coconut oil turned liquid.  The entire jar did not liquefy, but I know that the top quarter did turn to liquid. Once it turns back to the solid form it turns more white and appears to be more crystallized.  I am not sure of the entire break down process, but this layer of re solidified part of the jar is tough to pull.  It is gritty and I really think this is what is making me gag.

Okay so I know what you are probably thinking, if I am gagging, why am I continuing to put myself through this trauma.  I will tell you why!  It really cuts back on my plaque build up on my teeth, and it is somehow helping with my sinuses.  This past month I have been suffering from intense sinus infections and I literally can smell the infection.  I know gross right!?  However, since oil pulling it has cut back on that build up.

I have read many benefits to oil pulling with coconut oil and I am going to share my take on how it has worked for me in those categories.  According to WorldLifeStyle they focus on twelve benefits to oil pulling with coconut oil.  They are as follows:

1.  Prevents Bad Breath - I don't smell anything and haven't had any complaints
2.  Healthier Gums - I think this may be related to the less plaque on my teeth?
3.  Regulated Menstrual Cycles - Not sure on this one
4.  Clearer Mind - Definitely mind is racing constantly with craziness
5.  Brighter, Whiter Teeth - Have seen this when I pulled every day
6.  Decreased Headaches - No.
7.  Clearer Sinuses - Yes.  Not completely fixed, but definitely pain is alleviated.
8.  Clearer Skin - Ummm...remember last weeks post?  This is not a benefit for me:(
9.  Alleviated Allergies - Christmas tree is still making me itch.
10.  Increased Energy - Not yet.
11.  Sleep Better - Not with just oil pulling.
12.  Improved Lymphatic System - This is a tough one to monitor, so I would say no.

I may not be getting all twelve benefits, but I am getting a few, and something as simple as swishing with coconut oil in my mouth while I shower is helping me...why not, even if I do gag!  Give it a try, get a jar of coconut oil, a spoon, and give it a try for a month.  I bet you will at least gain a few benefits mentioned above.

Happy Pulling!

This is what I have been using, however I am not an coconut oil connoisseur so I am not sure it matters on the brand.

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