We have seriously gone accident free in the Evans house for awhile now, so I knew something was brewing to happen.
Our little fiasco occurred the other day after many months of me telling my children to stop pulling on our curtains because they would fall down. These are very long drapes that cover our sliding glass door that lead to the deck out back. (Just helping you visualize everything a little better.) For some reason they like to hide in the drapes or even run from the front of the house to the back and slide into the drapes and door. I know...sounds real safe. The whole point here is they would not leave the drapes alone, even after redirection or talking to them.
I had just finished a water color painting with the kids, and I set them free to let the paint dry before Audrey was going to color the blank spaces on the paper. They began their normal shenanigans with them chasing each other around the house. No big deal. I asked them to stop running and go do a puzzle together. I was ignored, but they were in the living room playing some imaginary game so I thought everything was good. That was until they decided to move their game to the drapes. I asked them to get out of the drapes and they did, but somehow Audrey ended up back in the drapes. She sat down on the drapes and then I heard a bang and the word "uh-oh". What I am gathering at this point is she sat on the drape and it just took that last pull to pull the curtain rod holder out of the wall. Yes my friends my little girl had drapes over here head and the curtain rod missed her head not by much. Of course Ayden had to come and inspect and say "uh-oh" just to add to things. Both kids were sent to their rooms and literally neither of them knew why. Really? No one just saw the curtain rod on the floor?
Things just went down hill from that point and the kids spent the rest of the afternoon/evening in their rooms. In the grand scheme of things it was not an intentional thing that they did. It was more like the straw that broke the camel's back. It took all that pulling before that one last pull from Audrey that sent the curtain rod crashing to the floor.
I guess my life is sort of like that curtain rod. I continue to stay up until I get that final pull. However, like both the rod and my crazy life, all you can do is get it back together and not look back and learn from the mistakes.
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