Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Daylight Savings Time

Lets face it, daylight savings time sucks!  It is hard to transition to the time change as an adult, and I swear it is normally ten times harder with littles.

Now Sunday night I was amazingly surprised my kids went to bed so easily.  I was think dang, we totally dodged a bullet there, but then Monday morning happened.  At about 4:45 a.m., my little man climbed into our bed and was ready to conquer the world.  I laid real still and was attempting to pretend to still be asleep, but then my alarm went off at 5 and that blew the concept of pretending to sleep out of the water.  Aden was up and ready to go and knew I was going to the basement to work out, so he was not going to go back to sleep.  Maybe this was my sign that working out this early wasn't a good idea.  :)  Doubt that.

Audrey woke up at about 6:15, and by 6:30 we were having breakfast and starting our day.  The day was rough for Ayden because he was exhausted and refuses to nap.  He did catch a few zzz's while in the car coming home from the post office, but that was it.  They played outside like it was going out of style and seriously argued with me about it being morning time (day) when they laid down at 7.  Yes they were going to bed that early because they need sleep and refuse to not wake up at the butt crack of down.

Now we can only imagine what tomorrow morning will be like.  I am hoping to just get a half hour of work out done tomorrow morning without any helpers, but I am not holding my breath on this one because I know what will probably happen.  I am sure that in due time I will snicker about all this when the kids are older, but right now I am not laughing, but rather yawning with my very large cup of coffee.

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