Monday, March 2, 2015

Little Surprises

Yesterday was a very chaotic day!

I was wide awake at 1:30 am and could not fall back to sleep.  I tossed and turned until 3 am, and I finally decided to take the hint that I wasn't going to sleep and I worked out.  I found some old recordings from a couple weeks ago and decided to catch up on my trash t.v. and walked away until I got sleepy.  Crazy thing is, I never got tired.  In fact after walking and running for an hour and fifteen minutes I gave up on getting tired.  I came back upstairs and finished one of my shows and I forced myself to sleep on the couch.  I finally found dreamland when I was awoken by my little tornado.  Of course I was hoping to get more sleep, as I had a ton of things going on on Sunday, but I guess I was grateful to get a good work out done:).

Now that just was how my day started, but it ended quite nicely.  We got home from church and it was quite surprising to hear that at childcare Ayden was requesting to go to the bathroom.  He came home and started telling us how he needed to use the potty, and he was actually successful.  This was HUGE!  Not even three weeks ago, Ayden explained to me that he would begin potty training in five weeks.  Now I am still perplexed as to why he chose that time frame, but guess what I don't get a lot of things Ayden does.  And to my surprise, Ayden's five week stance to potty training came up a little short on time.

Now I wasn't home for the afternoon, but I do know that we had quite a few successes.  He even chose to use the bathroom after he laid down in bed.  We are not quite there to say we are completely potty trained, however we are a lot closer than we were on Saturday.  So here is the little successes and surprises that are brought into our lives on a daily basis.  Things may start out rough, but more than likely they can turn around.

Happy Monday my friends!

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