Friday, August 14, 2015

330 am Spiders

Well this post comes to you from a very early morning.  Early as it is about 4 am.  I was awoken this fine morning because of a spider.  Now this spider was not in our house but in Audrey's dream.  She came to tell me she dreamt about a spider and it "freaked her out!"  In my half awake stupor I went to her room to prove to her there was no spider.  By proof I mean i pulled back covers and rolled around in her bed.  Probably not the most rational way to go about it, but when you are half awake most people don't always have the best rational thought.  I put her back in her bed, kissed her good night, and went back to bed.  I was surprised on how easy that was, and hoped I could fall asleep before the alarm went off.  As I was just drifting off to sleep, I could hear the steps of Audrey creeping back into our room, but she would stop.  I know she was staring to see if I was awake, which creeps me out even more because staring, little humans in the middle of the night by your bedside is just eerie.  She finally got enough courage to ask what I knew she was thinking, and that was if she could have my spot of the bed.  At this stage in the game I just walked out of the room, gave in to the 5 year old, and sought slumber in the guest bedroom.

Unfortunately in the spare bedroom was the cat because she had been kicked out of our room because she got a second wind at 930 pm and was running around the house like a lunatic.  However she must have felt the need to reconcile because she was purring super loud and was laying on top of me craving attention.  Obviously cats cannot tell time, but I will remember this when she is sweetly slumbering on the bed this afternoon and will sick the little humans on her to disturb her.  After Aurora the cat finally stopped her crave for attention I realized I another hour before the alarm would go off, and then the hooting began.  The mysterious owl that likes to hang out in our neighborhood, which I don't mind because I am sure it is grabbing all those mice that attempt to get in my house, but boy it was loud.  The hooting continued for five minutes and I decided I would just get up.

I grabbed my workout clothes, put in my contacts, and began my day.  I wandered to the couch with the computer to write  quick post and then begin my workout.  In the grand scheme of things I am getting the things I wanted to do, however I could have used that extra couple hours of sleep.  Today shall be interesting.  I am going to have to attempt to sneak in a nap before the kids wake up or add a few cups of coffee to my day.  Here is to hoping everyone makes it through the day with this tired momma!

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