Monday, August 17, 2015


Today was going to be my sappy letter to Audrey on kindergarten post, but I just can't even start that right now!  I am a hot emotional mess with the thought of kindergarten, and then I am snapped out of that funk when I am asked the question of the year by Ayden, "When are we going to Disney World?"  You know it wouldn't be bad if he asked me this a couple times a week, but this kid does not let up.  Obviously you sense my frustration and I better back up for some of you to shed some light on the situation.

Last Thursday Ayden found the Disney World planning DVD.  It has a little catalog and a DVD that they kids watched last year about the park.  If you haven't caught on by now the Evans' family is a planning family so we like to make sure we have all our options covered before jumping into a big purchase or planning a vacation.  So the kid found the DVD and has done nothing but talk about Disney World.  Friday we threw an epic tantrum because we couldn't go to Disney World tomorrow.  Seriously child it's not like we can just go, it's not like we are just going to the zoo!  We got through the tantrum, but the why question came up frequently and Ayden just could not shake the idea.  I have to give him credit for being determined.

On Saturday, Tyler thought that if he discussed the whole Disney World process, Ayden would understand that it's not just a trip you go do, it has to be planned.  Well this obviously lit a fire under Ayden because after lunch Ayden asked, "How many more minutes until we go to Disney World?"  Literally my eye is still twitching from this because Tyler made the situation worse.  Now Ayden has specific things about Disney World to talk about, which just keeps these questions going and driving me to the brink of insanity.

I just love that Ayden is inquisitive and he wants to know things, but geesh child let go of Disney World for a bit.  Although I have to be careful what I wish for because on Saturday we did have a tantrum because it isn't time to make Christmas cookies.  We also lost our minds over when Halloween is and when it was time to go pick apples.

In all reality Ayden is just struggling with the concept of time, but with all his questions it is getting a little annoying.  I really don't remember going through this with Audrey.  I do remember having these conversations of when things were going to happen, but not to this degree.  I remember the why questions, but the craziness that Ayden brings to the table with his questions does keep me on my feet, however my wine consumption has increased.

Therefore, if you see me around with that look of despair in my eyes, you can pretty much guess I have been asked about Disney World and I am just counting down the minutes until we go as well because I just want this question to stop!

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