Monday, June 13, 2016


I have read many comments, prayers, blog posts, articles, and I am currently typing as the news is on in the background on the terrible loss in Orlando.   I am just saddened that this is what our world has come to.  I am sad for the hate towards another human being for a lifestyle they have chosen.  Here is the deal people, it is their choice.  Let it be!  Let those who may not fit your opinion or cookie cutter view of what life should look like, live the life they deserve to live.

I am not going to go on a tangent on an opinion or view.  All I have the energy for is sadness.  My heart aches with sorrow.  Sorrow that so many are dead, injured, and grieving.  May God embrace all those affected with his love, and may He help us learn to love one another verse such ugly hate.

Have a blessed day friends!