Wednesday, April 2, 2014

You have plans….HA!

Have you ever had one of those days where you plan it all out and you are pretty darn proud of yourself, and then life happens?

I think this is what today is going to do for me.  I am dragging today as I sip my first cup of coffee, but with the early wake up of Ayden I figured today would be a great day for us to go do activities at the forest at Mud Pies.  But then again this may be the worse idea ever!  Only a few minutes ago were my children throwing tantrums over ridiculous things.  I asked Audrey to throw away a napkin…complete throw yourself on the floor, screaming and kicking, melt down, all due to a small, white napkin.  Ayden did not get to let the cat out of the basement.  I guess he really has a desire to be the knight in shining armor to save everything, including the small animals.  This tantrum ended in hitting his sister and throwing stuff at the cat…so much for thinking he wanted to be kind to animals.

Regardless of my plans, I think it always depends on my the mood of the children to determine if their attitudes fit the activities planned for the day.  Today I think we may be punting on going to the forest, unless by a miracle they decide they are ready to go out and behave.  However the one thing I can't change today is a doctor's appointment for Ayden, as it is necessary.  I hate these physicals that he has to have every month before he goes in for a treatment the next week.  Because I forgot to make the appointment a month out, we are blessed with a 2:30 appointment.  That's right…an appointment in the middle of nap time.  Last appointment in the afternoon, Ayden was overly tired and was driving his cars up and down the leg of the doctor while he attempted to complete the physical form for the hospital.  I am super excited to see what antics Ayden will do as we make it in for this afternoon's appointment. (Sarcastic voice should be used after reading that last sentence.)

I think what I am getting at here is I need to give up on planning or at least getting upset when my plans are fitting our mood of the day.  I need to look at my plans as a guide and then if they work for us great, if not who cares and move on.  Even though I think it is great for the kids to get out and do stuff, I think after a big play date Friday, a three day stay at Great Wolf Lodge, and then school yesterday for Audrey, we all need a down day and maybe today is the day for that.  Here is to hoping I won't need wine until after Tyler gets home tonight!

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