Friday, January 9, 2015

Impulse Purchases

If you know Tyler and I well, you know that we have issues with SAMs and Costco.  Not with the stores, but with our impulse buys.  We go in for specific items and come out with more crap than we need.  We went a couple days after Christmas to get our standard supply of fruit because we buy fruit all the time to keep up with the little monkeys in our house.  I know this is a good problem to have, but an expensive one as well.  We got sucked into the Christmas sales that were going on.  You know the one where they slash the prices and you buy more stuff than you truly need?

We were coaxed into the book section by the kiddos to pacify them for the continued shopping we needed to do.  They always ask to look at a book, I normally hand it to them and then we put it back and move on with our shopping experience.  We found some good deals on a few Christmas books, when the kids found these musical piano books.  I handed them over to them to keep them quiet for a few more minutes and then the please can we have this began.  I think Tyler and I were just frazzled that we told the kids they could have the books and we put the books that were on sale away because we were not going to get all of them. Both Tyler and I feel that books are always an investment for the kids so we normally buy books a lot, however our books and all the new toys have begun to overtake the house.  We are in the need of a serious purge, but that is another post.

Honestly I did not think these books would be such a favorite of the kids, but they are.  They play with them all the time!  Amazingly since the broken wrist, Audrey has even figured out that after you play the song it will light up the keys so she can play the song as well.  I caught her the other day playing and singing and realized she has a love for music just like her momma!  :)  I have to admit as well I play with the books a lot too.

Therefore our impulse buy at SAMs was a worthwhile one, which is surprising because not all our impulse buys are.  Maybe our New Year's Resolution should be to control our impulse buys?

Give me a month friends, I am sure I may be posting about how annoying the piano books are, but for now I am enjoying how busy it is keeping them.

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