Friday, February 7, 2014

No Fear

Why is it that some children are born with no fear?  And better yet, why did God feel I needed one of those children?  Now I am not saying I am ungrateful for Ayden in my life, but boy this kid is a dare devil.  He seriously wants to do everything himself and surpasses Audrey when it comes to physical activity.

Yesterday we went to Bounce U with Audrey's preschool.  The kids have gone once before and they enjoyed themselves, however trip number two the place was no longer new and Ayden took full advantage of understanding what to do there.  I feel bad a little as I kinda abandoned Audrey, but I really needed her to try things on her own and play with her friends on this trip.  The first twenty minutes she just wanted me to dance with her...I can do that at home chica and I'm not sure everyone could have handled the moves I have. :)   She was told to go play and of course it sent her over the edge and the tears began to fall.  I literally looked like the meanest mom ever and she got attention and hugs from both her teachers, but eventually even Audrey was playing, climbing, and jumping...big step for my little princess!

Okay so back to Ayden.  The kid was seriously climbing up the steps and sliding down the slides like he's been doing this his entire life.  I even took him into the one bounce house that had a ball and even though he was plowed in the head multiple times, he kept going back for more.  Not sure if that is a sign of having fun or lack of intelligence...only time will tell on that one.  At one point he was climbing the largest slides and obstacle courses and squealing in delight.  He was proud of himself and I had other parents impressed that a 20 month old was having more fun than some of the 3 year olds.  I on the other hand was having a few anxiety attacks as he decided to literally climb mountains, but at least I know he is very capable physically.

Now this is only a brief example of his lack of fear, but recently it is showing up everywhere.  He stands on tables and chairs like he has the balance of a tight rope walker, and he feels he can master the stairs all by himself.  Now I am trying to allow for him to do the stairs by himself, but the whole standing on table thing has got to stop.  Either that or we will have a similar chandelier breaking scenario that my brother attempted as a four or five year old.  (Ever want to know that story, just ask Troy!)

I think that it may not just be a boy thing though, it may be a second child thing as well.  I think being a second child and a boy are just bigger factors for the situation of no fear.  Either way...I will continue to worry about Ayden's next dare devil trick and I will hopefully be there to catch him.  If not, well lets hope he learns from his mistake, but I can guarantee he will be having to make mistakes a couple times before it sinks in.  Sigh...the joys of having a child with NO FEAR!

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