Thursday, November 20, 2014

I work out because I like to eat!

Recently I got back into the routine of working out every morning, and it is amazing what a difference it does to my mood and how better I sleep.  Now mind you my working out is nothing compared to what a lot of people do.  My work out consists of 30 minutes to an hour of walking/running on the treadmill while watching trash tv.  It may not be a lot, but it honestly has helped me lose weight and improve my health.  Like seriously helped in my health because after ten years, I no longer need to take medication for high blood pressure, which is pretty surprising because my high blood pressure is hereditary.  However with working out and making healthy food choices it totally happened.

Okay enough of my bragging moment, lets get to the real reason why I have to work out.  I love food.  I love to eat, and most the time I don't want to make the good choices.  I would totally eat the cheese and chips over the carrots and hummus.  In fact I may not have to work out if I had someone follow me around slapping all the crap out of my hands.  Heck, I bet you I would have kept the weight I lost earlier this year off, if I had a personal hand slapper.  Although that is not the case and the lifestyle changes and good choices just need to become more of a habit than anything.  Lets face it, there are days that I just can't be satisfied with healthy stuff, sometimes I need to just grab a handful of milk chocolate chips (okay maybe 3 handfuls) and just get the craving over with.  I am sure there are alternatives like the dark chocolate or even not having that stuff available in the house so I don't have those temptations, but it is what it is.

I just recently read a book by Shauna Niequist, Bread and Wine, and it really put a different perspective on food for me.  For instance, how many times do we go over to someone's house and not eat because we are afraid of what one might think if we take too much or the fact that we know that it may be our second treat for the day? I know when I normally go over to someone's house I always turn down food.  Shame on me because here they spent time to prepare food and I am too afraid of image...really?  What it breaks down to is that there is a time to feast and a time to fast.  When we are with friends and family we really should take advantage of things in front of us, now that doesn't mean gorge yourself, but at least enjoy what is there.  If you know you are going somewhere, just cut back on what your eating earlier that day or later on that day so it balances things out.  What a concept right?  Sounds a little crazy that I had to read that in a book to understand.  The book is actually a worthwhile read as it shares yummy recipes as well, and has a fabulous story line to go along with gathering around the table.

Now that I have totally gotten off topic, I think what my point here is that everything needs to be done in moderation, whether eating or working out.  We need to just find that happy medium, which is sometimes hard to do.  I have to work out not because I am working on that perfect image, but because I need to do it to give me that mommy alone time, and I need to keep that blood pressure down.  Oh, and I also need to fit into those jeans I bought earlier this year:).  I still need to work on making healthier choices, but as a family we are working on that.  Even Audrey has begun to ask for healthier choices, which means we are obviously making it a priority if it is trickling down to here.  When it is all said and done, we all need to make the choices we need for ourselves and our families.

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