Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Well I have a confession for you all today and that is I lack in the patience department.  Some days are better than others, but I have noticed lately that my patience is getting thinner and thinner as the weeks go on.  Every day I have to remind myself that it is a new day and I literally pray for patience because I have none the moment I wake up because I feel that I am just tapped out.  It sounds terrible, but it is the truth.

I admire those parents who work with their children and stay calm even when their kiddos may be driving them bonkers.  It takes so much composure and strength to not lose your ever loving mind in public and I truly admire you.  In fact here is your shout out that you are amazing!  Whenever I see a kiddo acting out in public I am so not staring at the kids because lets face it I have two of my own doing the same thing, what I find myself staring at is how the parent is reacting.  I am hoping that maybe I could get a glimpse of how I could become that calm person dealing with the chaos.  And sometimes, I know this is bad, but it sure is nice to see someone react like me as well because then I don't feel alone.

The bottom line here is that raising children is a challenge.  What worked one day, may not work the next for behavior.  They are changing constantly and learning new ways to spread their wings and stretch their parents' patience.  Kids will throw tantrums at the most inappropriate times and say the most embarrassing things.  It is their job because they are just learning.  Look at that, I just justified that my children are not really crazy monsters trying to drive me insane, but rather are just learning to push my buttons and find their boundaries in our little world.

Here is the challenge I give you now, when you see that parent struggling with a child, instead of watching in disgust or looking annoyed, realize she/he is doing the best job they can.  Instead of those looks or snickers, pass on a word of encouragement because that is really what that mom/dad/grandparent/aunt/uncle needs at that very moment.  Our society needs to work a little bit harder on building each other up, rather than tearing each other down.  So remember this when you see that tantrum occurring and that adult that looks like they have just had enough,  something as simple as, "You are a great mom, dad, person" could seriously help them through this and make their day.  I know I have had someone say this to me when I have been in the midst of the chaos and it seriously helped me and brightened my day because really this one tantrum does not define me or my children.

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