Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Making Lists

My confession for the day is I am a list maker.

I make lists simply so I can cross things off and feel like I am accomplishing things during the day.  As if not allowing the house to burn down, keep the children alive, and make three meals a day is not enough daily accomplishments, I need to add more to my chaotic life.  Now sometimes those ridiculously great lists that aid in my crazy OCD helps keep me at peace with seeing what I have to do, but it also adds to the stress because I feel I need to do all the things on my list.

I also make lists because I cannot always remember everything that I need to do because there are sixty million things going on in our house.  However my lists are kinda driving me crazy.  Take for instance right now, I am stressed that there are three things left on my list that I know I will not complete all items for the day.  Or here is something even crazier, I wrote a list for today last night and wrote an item on the list that I knew I could do immediately before I went to bed just so I could feel like I accomplished something.

I am not sure why I think the list is going to make me look like I can keep it together because I seriously know the toilets need to be cleaned and that floor needs to be mopped, however for some reason I feel like super mom/wife when I cross off that object on the list and I have conquered the world, even though it may be the toilet cleaning.  However that is an accomplishment in itself.  I mean seriously, have you ever tried cleaning a toilet with the assistance of a two year old?

As an educated person stepping back and looking at this entire thought process with an open mind it just seems insane, yet I still continue to do it daily.  I make lists and then get excited when my list gets too messy and I have to make another list.  Seriously, there is something not right with me.  I am not sure if I make these lists to try and help my crazy life or if it is just a way for me to feel like I have some control?  Either way, I love my lists and I am not sure I can let them go...ever.

With all that being said and you are all questioning my sanity, bring on the sharpies because that is what I love to write my lists with and the seventy million notebooks I have accumulated over the years to write those lists on.  I will continue to make myself crazy with my lists, but maybe I will try to get myself excited that I will make a new list of all the things that did not get done  for the day to add to the next day's list!

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