Friday, January 10, 2014

The Great Car Seat Drama

Oh the joys of car seats!  I dream about the day when both children can climb into the car and buckle their own seat belt.

I understand the importance of car seats and how to properly put my kid into a car seat.  I have top of the line car seats for the kids in my car and Tyler's rig has average car seats for the kiddos.  Four car seats for one family, so I think I have some experience in this area.  The car seats in Tyler's car though drive me nuts!  They are the seats that are very vertical and when the kids fall asleep their necks and heads look like they are going to fall off with every bump the car hits.  However, complaining about my children's car seats is not what I intended to post about.  What I want to discuss is the deal-io with car seats and coats!  Honestly this was never an issue when we lived in Colorado.  My kids never needed a heavy coat in Colorado.  Sure it snowed and got cold, but not enough for them to have to wear heavy coats.  In the winters, Audrey and Ayden got away with wearing small polar fleece coats if they traveled on the colder days.  In Nebraska though, it's a different story.

Lets begin with the fact that my car is not even in the garage, which does make a difference in how I put my kids in the car.  They have to be bundled up to walk out to the car, not that it is far, but I don't need them running around without a coat on outside when it is below zero.  Especially Ayden who decides he needs to investigate the rabbit tracks and poop in the yard before he enters the car.  (This kid seriously needs a leash.)  Then I get them to the car and that is when the drama begins.  You spend all that time chasing the kid around to get a coat on so that they don't freeze outside, to then put them in the car to take off the coat to put them in a car seat.  Yes my friends, kids should not wear their coats in car seats!  I get everyone buckled in, covered with their coats and blankets to then arrive at our destination and begin dressing my children in their winter gear again to go outside.  At this point I am ready to just drive myself to a warm destination and say screw you winter and coats.  I love winter, but coats, car seats, and kids? I do not love that combination or the term winter when used together.

Now I understand the importance and actually watched a great video on how loose a car seat actually is when a child is wearing a coat, but something has got to give!  And that is when I found the following idea:  a car seat poncho!

I don't sew!  I have literally punctured my nail with the ginormous needle on the sewing machine so I will not be able to make this great little idea.  However, I am hoping that my mother is reading this blog and goes to
and begins making her grandchildren these fantabulous ponchos in princess and Mickey Mouse fabric.  I will even feature your poncho in a blog Mom and give you free advertising because I know I am not the only mom going crazy with this coat verse car seat battle!

So there you go, you have to keep your kids warm with winter gear, and you have to keep them in car seats for safety, but the two precautions cannot be mixed.  Car seat I come!

Car seat worth the click and read!

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