Friday, January 31, 2014


Everything is okay in moderation right?

Why does it seem right now that my children are obsessed with t.v.?

Seriously this is a daily battle.  I limit their t.v. watching to a half hour a day, and it is normally in the afternoon while I get on the treadmill and burn a few extra calories.  The kids are doing good about realizing they watch a show and then they go play with their toys in the basement that we don't get to play with that often because it is so cold down there.  However, if Tyler or I turn on tv the kids are mesmerized with the crazy commercials and ask to watch a show of their own.  It has even got to a point where the kids will stop what they are playing so they can watch a ridiculous show on HGTV that I turn on for background noise.

Now are the kids becoming obsessed with t.v. because I have limited it and it is seen as a novelty?  I just don't know what I did wrong here.  I guess I could be writing the same about technology time too.  Audrey and Ayden love playing apps on the iPad or iPhone.  It is sometimes a meltdown when they get a few minutes and then we need to move on.  However, have I created monsters who love technology and t.v.?  I mean it is okay for the kids to be exposed to this in moderation right?  I know Ayden watches more t.v. than he should according to studies, etc, but it's not like he is watching some shoot em up show, we are watching Bubble Guppies or Dora.

I do not use the t.v. as a babysitter and my children have great imaginations, so I guess I am okay.  Is there anyone else out there that struggles with this concept?  And I mean I have those days that I am down for the day with a horrible headache and I allow them to watch a movie, but seriously isn't this just trying to survive as a mom?

So weigh in my friends...are t.v. and technology okay in moderation? 

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