Monday, January 6, 2014

Things you never want to hear first thing in the morning

My Sunday morning slumber was abruptly awoken by Audrey coming into our room.  She is the only one that gets up in the morning to open our bedroom door, so of course it was her, but still she has a distinguishable way of gripping the handle and struggling with it that just identifies her further.  Now I hate sleeping with the door closed for crazy reasons, but I also have a delinquent cat who feels it is acceptable to go crazy at wee hours in the morning and she had been evicted about three hours prior to Audrey's wake up call.  I also have a camera in both kids rooms, but the baby monitor is mainly on in Ayden's room.  After today's episode, I am questioning if this is a good choice.

As Audrey came into our room this morning she had announced to her father that she peed in her panties and pjs.  Seriously I jumped out of bed like a ninja and both Tyler and I go sprinting into her room.  We knew what to expect why the urgency to run is beyond me?  My eyes are beginning to focus and I am feeling her sheets so that I can collect all that needs to be washed and her sheets are dry.  Then I realize Audrey is naked.  At least she knew to take off the wet clothes, but where was the pee? Thank goodness Tyler has observation skills in the morning because he is walking out the bedroom to get towels to wipe up the puddle on the floor.  I probably would have stepped in it, as I was still trying to make sense of all this.

So after a minute passed and I assessed the situation with Audrey still standing next to me naked, I came to the conclusion that Audrey woke up and noticed her clock was still blue which meant she was to still stay in her room.  Therefore she got up and decided to quietly play in her room.  With the three year old rationale and problem solving, she decided to get a stool from the bathroom and get to her jewelry.  She cannot play with it when her brother is awake, so I guess she thought that while she was in her room by herself it was a good idea.  She was so engrossed in her play I just assume she wet herself or waited too long.  The only thing that I will never know is how long had she been up.  Of course when you ask her, she tells me she woke up at 80 o'clock, so I guess I will never know what time she woke up.

Of course when I reflect upon this with Tyler after the dust settled, he made me laugh because he was telling me that he was waiting for Audrey to come and crawl into bed like she always does on the weekends when she wakes up, but when his eyes focused he realized she was naked and he did not even know what the words were going to be out of her mouth.  It is amazing how we did not skip a beat with this situation or really talk too much about it, as this is our normal now.  Boy have things changed with just a couple kids!

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