Friday, December 19, 2014

Random Act of Kindness

Okay if any of you are military and reading this you know how important your military ID is.

I had an appointment for Audrey the other day and as usual we were rushing out the door to be on time.  I had grabbed a different purse because I needed to ensure I had the diapers and wipes, snacks, and a couple books to keep the kids entertained.  Everything was in the purse and ready for the trip to the doctor.

We arrive at the clinic, I unbuckle the kids and ask them to get their coats on.  I grab my purse to find my wallet to get the id out for the door check and guess what?  No wallet!  We were ten minutes early for the appointment, but twenty minutes from home. panic sets in.  I decided to get the kids out of the car and attempt to get the door security to allow me to at least get to the front desk to reschedule the appointment.  It was my fault that I forgot the wallet, but I just wanted to see if I could get a later appointment for the day.  It was a long shot and I just prayed things would at least work to this point.  Hesitantly I was allowed to go to the front desk to ask because the gal wanted the kids out of the cold.

Once I explained at the front desk of how I needed to reschedule the gentleman, who sees us on at least a monthly basis, explained to the security gal that I was safe and okay.  He then proceeded to tell me that there was no need to reschedule my appointment because he knew me.  Seriously, I thanked him profusely and held back the tears because at this point of the day I was defeated and this was my glimmer of hope.

This may not seem like a big deal to many, but it was my blessing for the day, heck the week, and it restored my belief that there are folks who want to do good.  The thought of having to cancel the afternoon playdate and attempt to haul the kids back to the clinic that day, seemed exhausting, but I was willing to do that because I had forgot the wallet.  However, the fact that two people had a heart and help out the frazzled mom, made my day.

It is the little things in life, and you better believe I will be finding a way to pay it forward because I know I am not the only one out there who has bad days!

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